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Two Q S & L meeting place? WTF is the point of that


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I guess the small point I was getting across is not that everyone must meet at the same place BUT if we are all in the same big group (ohio-riders) It does seem just a little silly to have a meeting place right over the road from the other meeting place, but as it has been pointed out (and I am not disputing) everyone is free to do so.

I just feel it would be nice to at least get some kind of nod or something when we pass each other & not just a look in the other direction but whatever, each to their own.

I'll see some of you at Shell/QS&L next week. Everyone is welcome at my meeting place.

(:lol: no I know it's not mine in any way, it just made me chuckle to myself at the thought of them all freaking out at that commet "how dare he", "it's not his meeting place" :lol: gotta love it when they get all bent out of shape about stupid crap like that).

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I'm not from there nor do i go to the QS&L there. I totally understand both side of this battle,but i agree that if i was there i would want to be together with the whole group. Since QS&L is not mainly about the ride for me its about the comrodery of bikers i like to be in a HUGE group. I dont need to be friends with everyone,but like being with everyone. Last nite we had 30+bikes together from diff groups and we all got allong great! If half my group went across the street i would probably be pissed and ride over there and ask them whats up????? Sundays and riding days are compleatly diff though because then its a ride and people can split up and ride there own ride and thats totally understandable! Like i said I'm not from or near there so dont even listen to me lol. If i do ever go i would like to add my group with your group and have a huge ride so i hope this gets solved lol:cool:

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I'm not from there nor do i go to the QS&L there. I totally understand both side of this battle,but i agree that if i was there i would want to be together with the whole group. Since QS&L is not mainly about the ride for me its about the comrodery of bikers i like to be in a HUGE group. I dont need to be friends with everyone,but like being with everyone. Last nite we had 30+bikes together from diff groups and we all got allong great! If half my group went across the street i would probably be pissed and ride over there and ask them whats up????? Sundays and riding days are compleatly diff though because then its a ride and people can split up and ride there own ride and thats totally understandable! Like i said I'm not from or near there so dont even listen to me lol. If i do ever go i would like to add my group with your group and have a huge ride so i hope this gets solved lol:cool:


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Lots of people think I'm a bit pushy and out-spoken, lots of people may think BornSinner is an asshole and mean...but that is YOUR opinion....till YOU really know us...you may think that.

But it doesn't mean that we are not going to ride with you......

I like his shooz.

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Third. your comment about riding in a big group is just pure assanine.. The larger the group of people riding, the more likely hood of someone doing something stupid. We left in a group of probably 30 bikes last night and from QSL to easton, I can count at least 5 times when someone almost clipped someone else.. I was riding in the back watching. Im not saying they are bad riders but I am saying that unless you ride with someone fairly frequently, you have no idea how they ride as far as changing lanes, acceleration, wheelies, etc.
I understand about not wanting to ride in a big group as it puts my nerves on edge as well and you have to be more aware and every one has to keep it reserved with the stupid stuff.

I'm a bit cornfused here since I'm not from Columbus & all.....Isn't it like 2 blocks to QSL from either of these esteemed meeting points/gas stations???

I guess when I get down there again this summer, I'll just park in the turning lane out in the middle of the road & 2 encampments, so as not to alienate myself from one group or the other, before I even get to meet anyone :rolleyes::supergay:

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Wow, what a who load of crap going on. Who'd of thought it would cause so much sillyness..... oh wait, this is OR.net, we all new it would.

You started the "sillyness" because your panties were in a twist over people meeting at BP instead of Shell.

Anyway, I will not upset the BP crew by invading their OR.net (+1) group

That was kinda funny.

Lots of people think I'm a bit pushy and out-spoken, lots of people may think BornSinner is an asshole and mean...but that is YOUR opinion....till YOU really know us...you may think that.

Its the boobs and the mohawk. They entice fear.


I hate everyone on this board but I still ride with you guys.. If you would all be just a little bit more like me then the world would be a much better place.

I have some hugs for each of you guys next week, next wed and thurs bike nights are sponsored by "hugs from Shittygsxr" just print this thread and redeem for one free hug

I'm so hugging you next week.

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Funny. And I'm sure BP wasn't chosen as "convenient".

As an outsider lookin' in & not privy to the cause of the animosity here........BINGO :plus1:

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I have to give my 2cents...

I was one of the riders at BP and not realizing that there was conflict going on.

The reason this site was design was for new riders and ALL riders to meet, intract, hang out and last but not least RIDE!!!!!....

This thread is getting out of hand.....

We need to focus on what we all have in common...RIDING!!!

There are many different types of people on this board...and we are bound not to see EYE to EYE with everyone.....this is childish!!!

You have the freedom to do what you want, its not like you're stuck in the same vehicle with someone you dont like.

Just because different riders meet somewhere else doesn't make them wrong....if those riders dont want to meet where others are....THATS THEIR CHOICE!!!!

(its not like we are not going to see and talk to them at the final location.)

Lots of people think I'm a bit pushy and out-spoken, lots of people may think BornSinner is an asshole and mean...but that is YOUR opinion....till YOU really know us...you may think that.

But it doesn't mean that we are not going to ride with you......


Hi Honey! Good to have you home! I missed ya! Talk to you soon, and I agree with QueenB on this lets ride.

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I have yet to attend a bike night.... now Im confused... what to do...... which side to join in this epic battle for meeting grounds supremacy... :confused:

Just go straight to Taco Bell. That's where they all end up anyways....

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Just go straight to Taco Bell. That's where they all end up anyways....

I work so much its hard to even get out to ride with you guys... but i really want to as i have no one that i really ride with.

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Ok, as usual, this thread has gotten way out of hand.

Two points I would like to make:

1. Many people see Ohio Riders as a group of riders. Obviously this is not the case. Rather, we are several people who post on an internet forum.

2. If Putty is the one who came up with the idea of meeting at Shell then why were he and his friends meeting at BP instead?

Can't use the "large group" excuse because Flounder said you rolled out of QSL with 30 bikes. A bit contradicting...

Anyway, whatever, who cares?

We don't all have to be best friends, but remember, it's polite to return a smile/nod/wave from another biker. Moreso if it's someone you've actually met and spoken to in the past.

So for any of you new members who are looking to actually meet other riders, you know where to meet up. Same place, same time as always.

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