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Motorcycle Temps

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it was easier when it was done on paper..now its all on the computer..i suggest you read the motorcycle ohio book along with the one for driving...


make sure you read the questions carefully..some are worded crazy

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Guest Kahamri
My brother didnt have a problem.. My buddy luke studied for a week and if he failed one more question he wouldnt have passed. I'm geting my book and crap on monday.. got a gsxr just waiting for me.
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It's Easy I took it Friday, just use your brain and read. I was in there for 1 1/2 hours to title, get plates and tags, and take my temp test. I went to Alum Creek Rd. branch. Just remember you must wear a helmet, No riding at night, no passengers, and no highway driving until you get your real license.
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Yeah, obey the Temp Rules and make sure you have proof of insurance. Most bikers are 1) wild to begin with 2) often have an illegal riding situation be it no insurance, doing something you can't with your temps, no eye protection etc.


The coppers know this and always ask right away. I've gotten out of RIDICULOUS tickets this way. I have all my paperwork neatly organized, 100% legal, true endorsement (no longer "Novice") etc. Seriously, the cops are so impressed you have your shit together they instantly see you as not "one of the ones they're after." Gotten out of 2 over 100mph in this manner, and another when the officer "knew you I was going over 80 in this 40 zone but couldn't get a clock on," for which he could give me nothing because everything else was so meticulous. It's worth the time and money to be prepared.


Ask the gentleman on here, the $ involved if you don't do it will make you sell your bike.

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