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Got a ticket today


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For parking in a "no parking zone"!

This one I dont understand at all. At my apartment complex (which im thankfully leaving here soon) parking is at a minimum, you basically get a spot per bedroom, and they offer no garage or carports. So to not be an ass and use up and entire parking spot for my bike, and to keep it out of the rain, I parked in the walkway going to my apartment.

Now heres the weird part, where it sits is underneath the stairs, on the opposite side is a bush so this is a spot no one can walk anyways, and the apartment its in front of (because im on the second floor) is a friend and co-worker who would not and did not complain about. So why? why do I now have to piss off every other tenant by taking up a spot when this spot was bothering NOBODY.

I could understand if I came down and started it up int he middle of the night, but its been there for a couple of days and I even pushed it in so it wouldnt bother anyone.

Luckily its no fine, just a move it or lose it ticket, but still pisses me off.


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Don't know what to tell ya. That sucks. I would complain if the ticket is just from your apartment complex and explain how you dont want it rained on. If they bitch then nail some boards onto the stairs and ride that bitch up to your apartment and park it in there. smile.gif
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Guest GSRchick714

Thats stupid....if nobody even walks there then why do they care? Do you live by the office or is there just some loser walking around looking for things that aren't "allowed"?

At least there's no fine! smile.gif

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