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Squid R6 flips after bike night


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did neone else see that on polaris?, i was riding with 3 other guys, one was a zx7r, gixxer 600, and a gixxer 1000 matt mladin edition. This kid on a black R6 with a red flame paint job and a devil high mount exhaust, was trying to show off and shit to me and my friend. Completly loops his bike doing about 60, all the traffic stopped on polaris. He was ok, thank god he wasint a dumbass and wore his gear, but his bike is completly trashed, we asked him if he was alright, and hes like i got full coverage lol. After seeing that guy loop, and another guy i know loop, no more wheelies for me! haha. Well just thought id share that, was a crazy night too, must have been 2000 bikes at QS&L.
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to get it straight, it wasnt alex that looped out, it was his friend. His friend is fine, but bike is pretty messed up.


Wrecking is a part of getting better, if you arent pushing the limits you arent going to wreck or get any better. its the way it works when you are involved with a sport such as this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by BDHG940:

Wrecking is a part of getting better, if you arent pushing the limits you arent going to wreck or get any better. its the way it works when you are involved with a sport such as this.

Where does being dumb fit in? He needs to learn how to ride. Better yet, keep the wheel down unless you know how to handle it. Rear brake...let off....either or.
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Originally posted by Inspeckta:

Where does being dumb fit in? He needs to learn how to ride. Better yet, keep the wheel down unless you know how to handle it. Rear brake...let off....either or.

Not being an ass, but how do you think you learn to ride one by keeping the front wheel on the ground? I know that if you just start riding, you need to get a feel for the bike first. I have ate shit learning to ride one, but now can ride one as long as I want. Just my opinion, you have your.
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Originally posted by BDHG940:

Not being an ass, but how do you think you learn to ride one by keeping the front wheel on the ground? I know that if you just start riding, you need to get a feel for the bike first. I have ate shit learning to ride one, but now can ride one as long as I want. Just my opinion, you have your.

im with you........you never learn not trying
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Originally posted by BDHG940:

Wrecking is a part of getting better, if you arent pushing the limits you arent going to wreck or get any better. its the way it works when you are involved with a sport such as this.

That's the fucking stupidest thing I've ever heard. When I started skiing I had that mentality, when I started biking I had this mentality. It's a good mentality for sports like that. With what I do now skiing I know I could cause serious permanent damage to myself so I no longer have this attitude. This is me who is wrecking on hard snow usually going ~20. You saying this is coming from someone who is easily doing double, or triple that would be hitting pavement or a pole.


Have fun dying. I hope you don't hurt anyone else in the process. graemlins/slap.gif

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Most every stunter will tell you wrecking is part of stunting. I've read about a few who can do lots of tricks and haven't crashed, but most do. This doesn't mean however I think it's smart. If you want to stunt, you just have to be willing to accept an even higher level of risk than just riding a sportbike like a maniac everywhere you go... er... not that I do that ;)


On an unrelated note, I think it's amazing the variation in injuries for similar wrecks. I heard of two in the last month who looped wheelies, one with 5 knee surgeries so far (and it still ain't right) and one who took 6 months off work recovering (and still ain't right) and this guys loops and is fine. You don't have to be an idiot and say "looping at 120 isn't the same as looping at 20" cause I know that. I just think it's amazing what a crap shoot it is. graemlins/wtf.gif

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Originally posted by BDHG940:

to get it straight, it wasnt alex that looped out, it was his friend. His friend is fine, but bike is pretty messed up.


Wrecking is a part of getting better, if you arent pushing the limits you arent going to wreck or get any better. its the way it works when you are involved with a sport such as this.

a.) It was Alex.. how else can we explain the minor scratches and such on his body? I went and seen him AND his bike about an hour after it happened... I didnt happen to see you stroll by???


b.) with an attitude like "If I wreck I only get better" suits you, you need to stay away from sportbikes :eek:

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Originally posted by ThrottleJockey:

seein people wreck duin stunts on a bike doesnt make me quit doing wheelies. It makes me be more precise and careful when i stunt. and reminds me always to wear my gear.


also bike night was packed..

you can't stunt, stop akin like you be down and shit. Poser
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  • 1 month later...

I wrecked my 2004 R1 at 70 mph, lots of road rash, and ya know what, I have heard every lecture you can get, "to big of a bike for you" "learn how to do a wheelie" and to be quite honest, im tired of fuckin hearing it, I was the only one hurt in the accident. And also, I had so many people tell me not to buy an R1, its to big blah blah, when you put in the days I do at a brickyard, come home aching every day then make the payment I did for my bike, then you can tell me what I should buy. The dude wrecked his bike or someones bike, that makes him a squid/noob, I guess no rider thats been riding for years has dumped their bike. Nature of the beast, sooner or later they bite ya in the ass. I keep gettin ya ever gonna get back on 1, and i say yes and they say im fuckin stupid. Nope, just not scared of it. If you dont ride a bike its hard to understand, all i can say. I just set my bike back down after doin some wheelies and was gettin ready to take some twisties and speed shifted in a lower gear than I thought and tire spun and caught and came up and I wrecked.


2005 R1 by next summer will be a reality

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on that wrecking is a part of stunting, thats all fine and dandy but dont do on f*cking populated streets where you could flip and be fine, but your bad ass bike tire through a 4 year old's skull....you have got to be a damned idiot. rant off
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Originally posted by 88TurboTbird:

on that wrecking is a part of stunting, thats all fine and dandy but dont do on f*cking populated streets where you could flip and be fine, but your bad ass bike tire through a 4 year old's skull....you have got to be a damned idiot. rant off

I 100% agree with you, and I never stunt where there is a possibility of hurting someone else, well i wont say never but I try to avoid it as much as possible. good rant :D
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Originally posted by EVILGTP98:

...I just set my bike back down after doin some wheelies and was gettin ready to take some twisties and speed shifted in a lower gear than I thought and tire spun and caught and came up and I wrecked.


2005 R1 by next summer will be a reality

Exactly why I dont ride a liter bike. 600s are much more forgiving. ;)
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