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why you should NOT get your girlfriend the wii fit...


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Nintendo Wii Fit women and the $41m damage bill

Article from: The Daily Telegraph

June 16, 2008 05:00pm

WOMEN working out on Nintendo Wii Fit are helping to cause millions of dollars worth of damage to their homes.

In Britain alone, it has been reported that bungling fitness fiends have contributed to a STG20 million ($A41.5 million) living room repair bill.

Have you had a Wii mishap? Share your story below.

And check out the famous video of the Wii bum dance.

Flower pots, television sets and even pets have been sent flying by the high kicks and hula hoop motions of increasingly vigorous home exercise routines, Britain's Telegraph newspaper reports.

Almost 20 per cent of women polled admitted having accidents after getting carried away in the living room with fitness routines such as those on the Nintendo Wii Fit.

Many of the 1,000 women polled for women-only insurer Sheila's Wheels admitted they had caused an average of STG6.55 ($A13.60) worth of damage to their homes in the last year with over-enthusiastic work-outs. That figure equates to a national bill of STG20 million.

The bizarre reserach was revealed as US researchers told how fitness-oriented video games have "great potential" for core strengthening and rehabilitation of injured athletes.

"We are looking to incorporate Wii Fit into the athletic training room as far as rehabilitation, for example, on post-operative knees and ankles," said Sue Stanley-Green, a professor of athletic training at Florida Southern College in Lakeland.

Fitness video games that have the user perform lower-body balance and weight-shifting activities could help patients with weight-bearing rehabilitation after an injury or surgery.

Fitness video games that focus on upper body movement patterns could be helpful in the rehab centre as well. Tennis video games, for example, can be used to safely exercise the rotator cuff after injury or repair.

"Fitness-oriented video games are also being used more and more in nursing homes for rehabilitation," Stanley-Green said, providing a fun way to help elderly people expand their range of motion.

One of the most difficult aspects of rehabilitation is getting patients to perform tedious, repetitive exercises.

The entertainment value inherent in video games may help boost compliance with rehabilitation and perhaps improve outcomes.

"Fitness video games have some really good potential to improve fitness in everyone," Stanley-Green said.

"My daughter is 12 and she has a friend who is very inactive and overweight and has some body control issues and the Wii Fit has really been a good thing for her," she explained.

"This is a child who would rather eat than anything and it's the first time I have ever seen her say, 'I'm not coming to dinner, I'm playing the Wii'.

"And anyone can play these games," according to Stanley-Green.

"I am illiterate as far as video games but these are games that anyone can have success with. My daughter absolutely hates the fact that I am better at this one balance game than she is," she said.

As with any physical activity, too much repetition of one type of movement may not be healthy.

"There are some documented cases of 'video-game shoulder' and 'video-game elbow', so using the proper form and technique should be stressed," Stanley-Green noted.

"Of course, ideally use of the gaming consoles should be alternated with other physical activities."

come on seriously girls? you cant keep your self control on a video game?! :bitchfight:


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I read that article today at work. Everyone's gotta bitch about something. Why don't these chicks take a look in the mirror and just realize they're unobservant uncoordinated ho-bags, instead of bitching?

If there's shit in your living room you might knock over... move it the F*%$ out of the way - hell get a MAN to move it for you even. Jeez. Idiots.

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They should sue the inventor of hoola hoop... Because if he didn't invent it, people would do stupid stuff and hurt themselves.

It reminds me of that Weird Al Yankovic - I'll Sue Ya song.

Amen. I think eventually they are going to start to sue their own parents because thats when it all began :) If only they hadn't been born.

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