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State Sponser'd Vacation.:(

Guest 00Smurf

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Guest 00Smurf

Well finnaly got done with all my court stuff. (The failure to comply, speeding tickets, reckless ops, and a couple charges from throwing a party when i was younger. they just threw everything together to make it easier on them. First things first Fairfield county is a corupt and dirty system. They decided to make an example of me and came down hard. End result, 18 months in jail. with 5 years of paper. If i screw up on paper i get sent back for the 5 years.


better than being in prison i guess. My sentencing hearing is tommorow at 2:15. That is when i will start my time. My out date will be Nov, 12, 2006. :( . i'll miss so much My fiance the most. its the price you pay for crime.


2 good points, i can read all i want, and i will be able to get some college in. so it might not be a total waste.


Well goodluck to everyone. and i hope to see ya in 18months. My computer, and chat client will still be running. My fiance will be running them at her house, so if you have any questions or you want to say hi or know how to write me, just message me or pm. Her name is Kasie(hoobersi) just in case.


Till nov 12, 2006.




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Guest 00Smurf
oh, if anyone is curious where i will be staying at. i'll have about a week to 2 weeks @ fairfield county jail wating to be shipped to crc. CRC is in orient ohio and i will have between a month and onths their before they send me to my "home" prision which will more than likely SCI (Southeastern correctional institue) in lancaster. that will be where i serve the remainder of the 18months.
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Fairfield county is a corupt system? you fucked up, you pay the price. quit being stupid and irresponsible and you wouldnt go to jail. end of story.



im also having a hard time believing you're going to jail for such petty crimes. are you leaving out something?

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I wouldn't think he was lying. I've had to deal with the court system over driving with a suspended liscense and I had to do 2 months of jail time, the prosecutor didn't even talk to me about anything else. Sometimes they just like to toss the book at people, shrugs.




p.s. I picked that charge up when I was homeless after Relvinnin on the board got me and josh kicked out of our apartment. Having no place to live and staying in your car is NOT fun. Cheers.

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Guest 00Smurf
Originally posted by Doug:

geeze, since when do you get thrown in jail for wreckless op., speeding , and throwing a party (I'm guessing minors were involved???)? Arn't those all misdemeanors? Is failure to comply a felony or something?

yes their were minors.16,17
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Guest 00Smurf
Originally posted by ttemper:

Fairfield county is a corupt system? you fucked up, you pay the price. quit being stupid and irresponsible and you wouldnt go to jail. end of story.



im also having a hard time believing you're going to jail for such petty crimes. are you leaving out something?

yes fairfield county is corupt, have you ever delt with them before? i'm sorry i should rephrase, their are some corrupt offcials in fairfield county. Which happen to be the ones i dealt with. I know i fucked up, hence why i said "thats the price you pay".


what i choose to tell about my buisness is up to me. and for your information fleeing an officer is a felony. hence felony fleeing.

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Guest 00Smurf
^ just realized you were a fire fighter. i wasnt in anyway saying the lancaster fire dept is corrupt. my mom is a ff and my step-dad is a LT on cols. fire dept.
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Originally posted by 00Smurf:

yes fairfield county is corupt, have you ever delt with them before? i'm sorry i should rephrase, their are some corrupt offcials in fairfield county. Which happen to be the ones i dealt with. I know i fucked up, hence why i said "thats the price you pay".


what i choose to tell about my buisness is up to me. and for your information fleeing an officer is a felony. hence felony fleeing.

I still don't see how anyone in the "system" is corupt. like 'ttemper' said, you fucked up and they put you in jail for it. where is the corruption.


Either way, sorry to hear your going to jail and your life has to be put on hold for 18 month's.

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Guest Harris92
Sorry to hear this nic, Just try to stay focused on something while you are in there (Reading maybe?) and hopefully that will make the time go by quicker. I feel for ya man, see you when you get out. :(
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