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Anyone watch "30 Days" last night on FX?


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The fact that they came to Columbus slightly insulted me. Much worse places to go - like Detroit. But I guess that's why they came here. We're poor, but we're safe. tongue.gif
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Guest BlownV6
It was kind of shocking...you never realize how well you have it till you see something like that, where they argued over spending $10 at the movies.
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It was definitely depressing. At the end of it, he got to go back to living the life he had known, I cant imagine being faced with mounting bills month after month knowing if any large expense came along it would put me in financial turmoil.


The desired effect of the show was to convince you to that the minimum wage was far to low to make living. While I pity the poor man, I can’t help but believe that a persons financial situation (In MOST cases) is a product of one's own motivation. It isn’t until one becomes complacent in his own socioeconomic class that he is bound to that disposition. Naive as it may be, I tend to believe that if a person truly desires to achieve more for himself, and raises one's expectations for one's self, that said person can pull himself from the bottom.

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they got a job at planks on parsons i belive, and i think they lived in the bottoms.


there is an article in that columbus magazine "C" that they have at bars and stuff about them out now. they said this about choosing columbus


"When we were thinking about cities to go to, we wanted to find one that had public transportation for one...and we were thinking, Oklahma, Kansas, Ohio and Iowa. We wanted something that was midwest and everyone could relate to, and was kind of represntative of every town. Then we found columbus and found it has a city mentality, it has a fantastic cityscape and it also is a test marked of the world. I think the icing on the cake for us was when someone said "Thats what decided the election: Ohio." We said "Done. Thats where were going"


i wanted to see this hopefully, it runs again.

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