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Don't get out and vote this November.


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Normally, you would never see me posting a political topic. I am so anti politics in public simply for the fact that I feel 90% of the people in America have no right to speak on something they have no idea about. However, I was watching 60 Minutes on CBS this past Sunday (something I do every week), and my favorite part of the show comes on. The weekly commentary by Andy Rooney. Most of you have no fucking idea who Andy Rooney is (or what 60 Minutes is, for that matter), but I was especially delighted at his commentary this week, and I felt the need to share it. Please read on, and hopefully you will be as delighted as I am.


Every four years, at election time, a lot of organizations like to act public-spirited by telling people to vote.


They associate their effort to get out the vote with whatever their product is. They hope we'll think more highly of it because they're in favor of voting.


One of the biggest radio stations in the country, WFAN, owned by Viacom, which also owns CBS, is running a Get Out The Vote campaign.


The Credit Union National Association puts out a message saying it wants people to vote.


There was a sign on the West Side Highway in New York that I passed every day driving to work. It said "100 million votes made a huge impact on the last election. They didn’t vote." That was followed by the name of Kenneth Cole, the company selling shoes that paid for the sign.


In Nevada, someone is trying to talk former prisoners into voting: Now that you’ve done your time, it's time to vote.


Of the 200 million eligible voters in this country, only a little more than half of them voted last time. It's a disgrace, but do you think WFAN, Kenneth Cole Shoes, or the Credit Union really gives a damn whether anyone votes or not?


I know I don't care. As a matter of fact, I have a message for the 100 million Americans who didn't care enough about our democracy to vote last time. Good! And, please, do us all a favor. Don't vote next time, either. If you don't care enough about the issues, I don't want you canceling out my vote with your vote.


I'd be willing to bet that it's the dumbest people among us who are least likely to vote too, and that's fine with me. I don't want anyone dumber than I am voting.


If you don't know the names of your two senators, don't vote.


If you don't read a good newspaper, don't vote.


If you're a new citizen, wait another four years until you understand English well enough to know what the candidates are talking about before you vote.


So, if you people watching tonight have some dumb friends, do yourself a favor and encourage them not to get out and vote.


This message was paid for by the people who watch 60 Minutes - most of whom are smart enough to vote or they wouldn't be watching 60 Minutes. They'd be home watching wrestling on television.

Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/09/23/60minutes/rooney/main645197.shtml



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The major problem is that dumb people do vote. In fact it would be interesting to see if the opposite was true. Do extremely smart people vote? If your state is highly partisan, then you would realize that it is not at all necessary to vote for president. Cancelling out a vote is a very hard thing to do in a presidential race
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Guest stvbreal

Andy Rooney? 60 minutes? I've been watching that show and waiting for him to speak at the end of it since the late 70's.


I saw it also. I will not be voting.


[ 01. October 2004, 03:20 PM: Message edited by: EvilEvo ]

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Originally posted by Vaccum Leaking V6:

Let's now post an article that Rush Limbaugh writes :rolleyes:

Hey, stupid, I didn't see anywhere where "democrat" or "republican" was written. Get a clue.


You are the reason this article was written.

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Originally posted by Obsequy Empire:

Hey, stupid, I didn't see anywhere where "democrat" or "republican" was written. Get a clue.


You are the reason this article was written.

**edited.... I'm not getting into a childish internet fight with someone who obviously isn't worth me getting pissed off about...


you go believe what you want... I'll still be there on election day to "cancel" out your vote ;)

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i agree w/ this 110%. i'm definitely not voting this election..but when i do vote, i'm gonna vote for someone i believe in. not just to get someone else out of office or just because all the cool emo kids are voting for them.
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Haha i've been saying the same damn thing ever since i saw the stupid ass Mtv commercial that says it dosent matter what you vote for, just vote. instead of a poll tax, the should start a poll test ;)


I read a lot about politics, hell i read the federalist papers for FUN! so whenever i hear someone say "vote kerry because bush is controlled by big business" or "vote kerry because bush is making the gas prices high from HIS war" I cringe, and it actually makes my head hurt horribly, from the back of my head to right behind my eyes it pounds.If you dont know, dont comment, just say you dont know (i.e. dont vote) Long live the electoral college!

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I disagree. Certain "Minorities" (ie: Women and African Americanes) fought for YEARS to earn the right just to vote. Me being a white male in those times just had that right. I don't think its fair to just not vote.


I think its more important to educate americans about the canidates then spouting off about how they are dumb and shouldn't vote.


I realize Andy Rooney is a very influencial(sp) person and he does have some good points. But instead of ranting, which is the easy way out, why not take sometime to go over some points on both canidates? We are so eger to point out flaws that we forget that we, as americans, can actually work to fix a problem.


The more I think about it the more it upsets me, people in America are have turned into a bunch of idoits. Raised by a TV, raised on commericals that tell them ED can be fixed by a pill and not to worry about a loose stool or heart failure. Fuck that.


Eduation is the key, no matter how you get it. It is your right and DUTY as an american citizen to learn about the canidates, get off your ass, stop watching that Victoria Secret commerical in hopes of actually getting an erection, and go vote.


Edit: Not to turn this into a political thread but to add some information. Did you guys realize that there might be up to 4 Supreme Court Justices retiring this term? Vote wisely.

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Yeah tony, but i don't want people to vote who don't feel enough responsibility to look into candidates anyways, the mtv commercials make me worried that the young population of america might actually vote, my generation scares me right now, i am with jono, the whole just vote shit is actually worring to me, cause if you aren't a mature enough person to go research stuff, i don't know how much your reasoning should be listened to
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