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Just got a new job...

Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> From "Ameriplan USA Corporation". Anyone heard of them?


I saw a flyer in my dorm and gave them a call, they seem to run a fairly lucrative operation. Not sure how successful I'll be, but I'm a broker for the company now, and my job will be to sell insurance. No real catch except the start-up fee which is $295.99; though I am promised that I'll make it up in only a few days. I'm really excited. Hopefully it's as good as it sounds.

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Guest stevil
Originally posted by GRN96WS6:

In my experience any company that makes you attend a session about their company or has a start up fee; its usually a scam.


I hope this is not the case with this company.

+1 Good luck.
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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Akula:

There is a rule about things being as good as they sound....


I would take a look at this....



I would be weary of anyplace that wants money from me to work for them.

<font color ="midnightblue"> Thanks alot- I already agreed to the payments, but haven't paid it yet. I just now cancelled the agreement form, hopefully in time. Sometimes this program does work out, but most of the complaints on that website were focused on the non-refundable policy Ameriplan has. I'm meeting with the Senior Executive Sales Director tomorrow, and will presumably straigthen this out then. But again, thanks for the heads up. This is the red-flag I was looking for.




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You should never have to pay someone to work for them. I would raise a big BS flag in their face if I were you.


Think about it. If it's really that easy for you to make back the money in a couple days, then the company should be able to make enough profits from you in a few days to cover the expenses of this so called "start up fee".


But hopefully they can explain it. Good luck!


I just saw the rip off report. It's more then the insurance sellers that are being ripped. Many people are complaining about their insurance plan. That they get no coverage or Ameriplan will not refund or stop billing their credit cards after cancelling. That's pretty messed up if you ask me.

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No shit. Most companies eat the cost of personnel training in hopes that they picked the right person for the job and that they will stick with it. My company has its people go through 6 months to a year of training and you don't pay for shit.



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Guest Crankshaft
<font color ="midnightblue"> Follow up; Ok, so I paid the intial start-up fee, and have been working for them the last two days, during which I've worked 2 1/2 hours and made $112 dollars. Pyramid scheme aside, I think this is legit, and seems to be turning out great. I also found out that Ameriplan is part of the Better Business Bureau, so that's even less to worry about. And even if something does go sour, at the very least I'll have made my money back.
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Sounds like its working out. Thats good to hear. You always wonder about that shit. I guess you don't know until you try.


I could be wrong, but every company should be in good standing with the Better Business Bureau. If there not definately stay away from them.



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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> Matt- you have messages.


@Jason- I'm already making money, and have made the initial $295 I invested back. So, at this point, I have nothing to lose. But yeah, it does seem pretty sketchy until you get into the system and learn how it works, then start actually making money.


And if anyone is interested, please, message me and I'll hook you up with the necessary information. So far, it seems to be a pretty good deal.

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Mr. 2:

What do you have to do extactly?

<font color ="midnightblue"> I am technically a "broker". My job description is to A) Recruit new brokers for a marginal ($100-$250) one-time profit, and/or B) Sign up new members to Ameriplan USA to receive healthcare discounts on optic, orthodonic, chiropractic, and prescription plans (currently over 70,000 practices accept Ameriplan's discounts). The people I contact have already expressed an interest in joining Ameriplan, so I'm not a telemarketer. It's not difficult, but takes some getting used to.
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