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Who's your cat's celebrity match?

Guest Crankshaft

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Tabitha (Mau, 7 years old, 7lbs)

Anthony, your cat sounds a lot like an Action Hero


The bad guys had better beware! Your cat's got plenty of energy, and like their celebrity matches Jackie Chan and Uma Thurman, isn't afraid to face danger head-on. Challenges and excitement? Bring 'em on — your feline's ready. The perk for you? Your home feels safe and protected. Whether your cat's chasing spiders or mice away or keeping you company day or night, you've got a brave little soldier watching out for their number one — you!


Saving the world from aliens, foiling evil plots, averting disaster at the hands of Mother Nature. These and other hair-raising phenomena are all in a day's work for an action star. While your vibrant little champion may not exactly be fighting these foes, they certainly are a hero in your eyes.


Hunter (Mutt, 1 years old, 17lbs and growing)

Anthony, your cat sounds a lot like a Practical Joker


Some jokes never get old. That's most likely the case when your funny feline is around. No matter where your cat gets their humor cues from — Robin Williams, Ellen DeGeneres, or Mike Myers — life's always sure to be a hoot and holler around your house.


You probably can't help but chuckle when your cat pulls out something silly from their bag of tricks. If it means your socks mysteriously end up buried in the sofa or you find a furry body keeping your bed warm under the covers, it's sure to put a smile on your face. Who knew cats had a sense of humor? Yours certainly does...and that's no joke.

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