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Good place to buy a handgun?

Guest busteryhyman

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Guest busteryhyman

I'll be taking the OPOTC firearms course this spring and a requirement is to bring your own handgun plus 200 rounds of ammunition. I dont have a ton of cash to spend and just looking for a shop that sells for decent prices.


Damn me for choosing criminal justice and investigations.

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Don't buy a cheap gun like a Hi-point remember you get what you pay for.

Vance's is kind of expensive but they do offer 6 months same as cash and that is awsome.

What kind of gun are you looking for 9, 40, 45?

Choose a name brand S&W, Sig Saur, Glock, Browning etc.

Look at all the safety features on each gun and then choose what you are looking for.

CPD carries the S&W 4506, 45 cal. 8 in the mag and 1 in the pipe. Best safety feature the gun will not fire if you take the magazine out even if there is a round in chamber. Excellent gun but I wish it carried more rounds my only complaint.


Good luck and happy gun hunting. Im jealous I have to wait till fall to get another gun.

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I'd go to Vance's.


You really don't want a Hi-Point to carry. They're very bulky and heavy. They also jam pretty easily. I had one for about 6 months, and I couldn't go to the range without it jamming on me several times. It's a decent gun for home defense, but that's about it.


I've since bought a Tarus Millenium which I paid about 4 times the price of the Hi-Point, and I bought it used. It's worth every penny too. I've put 100 rounds through it in one trip to the range and never had a single jam. When it comes to hand guns, you really do get what you pay for.

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Originally posted by Vash The Stampede:

You really don't want a Hi-Point to carry. They're very bulky and heavy. They also jam pretty easily. I had one for about 6 months, and I couldn't go to the range without it jamming on me several times. It's a decent gun for home defense, but that's about it.


:eek: re-read that.. I think you meant a decent gun for plinking. I wouldnt have a gun that reliably jams for home defense. ;)
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I have had no problems with my Hi-Point 9mm at all. I have had the gun for about 3 years and take it to the range about once every 2 months to shoot off 200-300 rounds. It has only jamed on me one time. The secret I have found is to clean the gun a lot and soak it in oil. I clean it before and after I go shooting. It is pretty heavy and isn't the best for hitting your target more than 25 feet away. But for home security, it will work. I am thinking of getting another gun but don't know what to get yet.


Oh yeah forgot to tell you a good place to get a gun is Outdoor Valley in Lancaster. You can rent just about any gun there to get a feel for it in the range before you buy.

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Originally posted by NTHER91:

since your a female i would look at the kahr 9mm theres small and shoot really well hi-point suck ass the only reaosn you havent had yours jam is due to over cleaning and soaking it in oil that much maint. is to much

The village idiot speaks again. graemlins/wtf.gif


Cinergi works at New Albany gun club. O.G. and Bgbdbn have lots of guns. Talk to these guys for help and advice. I know they accually know what they are talking about.

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First i would like to say sorry for messing up you thread Turd Furgason! My recomendation, as general as it is, is a 9mm... however, it's the only gun i've ever heald other than a revolver!


as for girlygirl... I have tried to make this as easy and peaceful as possible (with you being on cr and being childish). You need to grow up. You are 23-24, and act like a jealous little gradeschool kid. I don't know what your problem is, other than the fact that you can only live in the past. Word around the block is that you have a boyfriend!?! So please leave your past behind you... this would be Eric, and now me... even tho I was and never will be a part of your life (minus the time you looked like a stalker on your bike). Just ignore any post made by Eric or I, and it will make your life alot simpler.

Stop being such a drama queen... if you truely have ANYTHING to say about Eric or I, please be mature enough to say it to our face.... you know where to find us. If not, then you show your true colors. END OF STORY




p.s. turd furgason, good luck on your gun search!

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don't shit talk a hi-point unless you own one I put almost 2000 rounds through my 45 before I cleaned it and it never jammed misfired or anything else.


your weapon can never be too clean I don't care how much you paid for it its going to fuck up if it stays dirty for a long time.


if you carry it every day it should at the very least be wiped down with oil at night and cleaned after everytime you shoot it. this will promote greater accuracy.


A Hi-Point is a very good weapon. I wouldn't hesitate to trust my life to my .45

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