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i'm bored, an i remember those "post your desktops"... so tell me what kinda computer you have... here's mine


Aspire 450w power supply

gigabyte ga-7n400 pro2 mobo

amd 2800+ barton

1gb(2x512) dual channel PC3200 kingston ram

evga nvidia 6600gt video card

80 gig maxtor hd SATA

80 gig hitachi hd SATA (they are raided together)

samsung cd-rw/dvd combo drive

sony 3.5" drive

all inside my Aspire turbo case X-Dreamer

acoustic authority 2.1 speakers

microsoft wireless mouse/keyboard combo

samsung black 17" lcd monitor


[ 08. January 2005, 11:39 PM: Message edited by: 94whitegsr ]

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Antec 480W True-Power PSU

Gigabyte Mainboard - 865PE Chipset

Pentium 4 C-Class @ 3.54GHz (watercooled)

1GB Samsung PC3700 DDR (dual channel)

Tyan Tachyon Radeon 9800 PRO/128MB (414/740 -- watercooled)

Maxtor 120GB 7200RPM EIDE

Maxtor 40GB 5400RPM EIDE

Digital Research Tech 52/24/52 CD-RW Drive


Pretty much sums it up.

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Antec 450W Power Supply

MSI Pro2RU Mother Board

Athlon XP 2000+ (OC'ed to 2100+)

512MB Crucial PC2100 DDR

ATI 9800Pro OC'd


Sound Blaster 5.1 LIVE!

Western Digital 80GB 7200 RPM IDE

Western Digital 20GB 7200 RPM IDE

TDK 52x/48x/52x burner


Custom case

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Actually just built a new one yesterday.. Cant get the SATA Drives working right thought but here is what I got.


AMD 64 3500

MSI neo2 platinum

1 gig XMS corsair pc3200

2x 10k rpm 74gb raptor drives

2x 250 sata maxtor ultra 16 drives

plextor dual layer dvd burner

ATI x800 pro

Thermaltake case w/ 7 fans

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AMD 64 3200+

Msi neo2 platinum

1 gig xms corsair pc 3200

40 gig WD drive and another 40 gig drive(maxtor)

liteon 52x burner

550 watt antec

geforce 6800 GT



Haven't benchmarked 3dmark 01, but in 03 i get 13xxx.


and for 3dmark05 i get 4k

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Desktop Rig

P4 1.8ghz Northwood

Soyo Dragon Ultra

512mb OZ Ram

2-40gb Maxtor on Raid 0

1-80gb Caviar w/ 8mb buffer

Enermax Power

MSI Geforce 3ti

TDK DVD+ Burner

TDK CD Burner

Case window / neon etc...


Laptop Rig

AMD 64 3000+

512 mb RAM

100gb HD

64mb Radeon Card

DVD+ Burner

15.4 XWGA Screen

+ all the other goodies


My 4yr olds' Desktop (yes he can boot it and use it) Scary stuff........


P3 700mhz Coopermine

512mb RAM


blah blah blah......

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i personally use the chaintech vnf3-250 board for my a64, best overclocking options for the $ imho


a64 3400+ NewCastle (754) oc'd to 2560Mhz (256*10)

Chaintech vnf3-250

MSI 6600gt oc'd to 550/1160

1gb (512*2) pc3200 dual channel Muskin Ram

200gb Samsung hdd

5.1 surround(only use 2.1) HA HA

450watt Raidmax ps

Optorite dvd +/- rw

Pioneer dvd rom

MSI video capture card

silver Raidmax aluminum case w/ side window

blue leds all throughout case and ps


beast of course, if you have any questions just ask, all sorts of url's for oc'in and setup question's in general

and btw if you post temps say wether or not it's cpu or system temps, most people who post temps are sayin their low system temps and that's fine just say so please

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Originally posted by sgtschulze:

My 4yr olds' Desktop (yes he can boot it and use it) Scary stuff........


P3 700mhz Coopermine

512mb RAM


blah blah blah......

Dude...your 4 yr olds machine is faster than mine at work!
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