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Sprint Network down today?


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Im getting pissed. I cant make phone calls.. they ring for 1second and drop. I cant send text messages or recieve them. I cant even got on their website to send them. :mad:


Im about ready to go switch services rite now, considering all of my days plans are now destroyed because I cannot communicate to people :mad:


Any one else suffering this problem today?

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My Sprint story,


Phone died last week. Go into the sprint store, they call in a replacement. 5 days later I get the new one. Everythings good.. until I make a freakin' call with it. Soon as I dial and hit talk, it says "welcome to the sprint romaing pound me in the ass rates".. etc. WTF> call up sprint, they say "oh, you need to take it back to the store and have them do some sort of test or some shit on it".. WTF. I just got a new phone, and it doesn't work.


So the guy on the phone says he'll give me all this free shit. Like vision, text messaging, etc. free for two months. That's cool and all, but I DO NOT USE IT. I even told him that. He apoligized and I hung up..



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Originally posted by Buck531:

My Sprint story,


Phone died last week. Go into the sprint store, they call in a replacement. 5 days later I get the new one. Everythings good.. until I make a freakin' call with it. Soon as I dial and hit talk, it says "welcome to the sprint romaing pound me in the ass rates".. etc. WTF> call up sprint, they say "oh, you need to take it back to the store and have them do some sort of test or some shit on it".. WTF. I just got a new phone, and it doesn't work.


So the guy on the phone says he'll give me all this free shit. Like vision, text messaging, etc. free for two months. That's cool and all, but I DO NOT USE IT. I even told him that. He apoligized and I hung up..



Yea, it's amazing how all you want your phone to do is work like you originally intended it too.
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