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20 question personality test

Guest DagoRcR

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Wackiness: 152/100

Rationality: 98/100

Constructiveness: 60/100

Leadership: 104/100



You are a WRCL--Wacky Rational Constructive Leader. This makes you a golden god. People gravitate to you, and you make them feel good. You are smart, charismatic, and interesting. You may be too sensitive to others reactions, especially criticism. Your self-opinion and mood depends greatly on those around you.


You think fast and have a smart mouth, is a hoot to your friends and razorwire to your enemies. You hold a grudge like a brass ring. You crackle.


Although you have a leader's personality, you often choose not to lead, as leaders stray too far from their audience. You probably weren't very popular in high school--the joke's on them!


You may be a rock star.



anthony's = dead nuts :eek:

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Wackiness: 30/100

Rationality: 40/100

Constructiveness: 30/100

Leadership: 70/100



You are an SEDL--Sober Emotional Destructive Leader. This makes you a dictator. You prefer to control situations, and lack of control makes you physically sick. You feel have responsibility for everyone's welfare, and that you will be blamed when things go wrong. Things do go wrong, and you take it harder than you should.


You rely on the validation and support of others, but you have a secret distrust for people and distaste for their habits and weaknesses that make you keep your distance from them. This makes you very difficult to be with romantically. Still, a level-headed peacemaker can keep you balanced.


Despite your fierce temper and general hot-bloodedness, you have a soft spot for animals and a surprising passion for the arts. Sometimes you would almost rather live by your wits in the wilderness somewhere, if you could bring your books and your sketchbook.


You also have a strange, undeniable sexiness to you. You may go insane.

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Wackiness: 20/100

Rationality: 60/100

Constructiveness: 40/100

Leadership: 60/100


You are an SRDL--Sober Rational Destructive Leader. This makes you a mob boss. You are the ultimate alpha person and even your friends give you your space. You can't stand whiners, weaklings, schlemiels or schlemozzles. You don't make many jokes, but when you do, others laugh out loud. They must.


People often turn to you for advice, and wisely. You are calm in a crisis, cautious in a tempest, and attuned to even the finest details. Yours is the profile of a smart head for business and a dangerous enemy.


You have a natural knack for fashion and occupy a suit like a matinee idol. Your charisma is striking and without artifice. You are generous, thoughtful, and appreciate life's finer things.


Please don't kick my ass.

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Guest catmel

Wackiness: 34/100

Rationality: 44/100

Constructiveness: 66/100

Leadership: 36/100



You are an SECF--Sober Emotional Constructive Follower. This makes you a hippie. You are passionate about your causes and steadfast in your commitments. Once you've made up your mind, no one can convince you otherwise. Your politics are left-leaning, and your lifestyle choices decidedly temperate and chaste.


You do tremendous work when focused, but usually you operate somewhat distracted. You blow hot and cold, and while you normally endeavor on the side of goodness and truth, you have a massive mean streak which is not to be taken lightly. You don't get mad, you get even.


Please don't get even with this web site.



haha... a hippie?

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Wackiness: 32/100

Rationality: 40/100

Constructiveness: 66/100

Leadership: 60/100


You are an SECL--Sober Emotional Constructive Leader. This makes you a politician. You cut deals, you change minds, you make things happen. You would prefer to be liked than respected, but generally people react to you with both. You are very sensitive to criticism, since your entire business is making people happy.


At times your commitment to the happiness of other people can cut into the happiness of you and your loved ones. This is very demanding on those close to you, who may feel neglected. Slowly, you will learn to set your own agenda--including time to yourself.


You are gregarious, friendly, charming and charismatic. You like animals, sports, and beautiful cars. You wear understated gold jewelry and have secret bad habits, like chewing your fingers and fidgeting.


You are very difficult to dislike.

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Guest visualpoet

Wackiness: 156/100

Rationality: 90/100

Constructiveness: 138/100

Leadership: 110/100



You are a WRCL--Wacky Rational Constructive Leader. This makes you a golden god. People gravitate to you, and you make them feel good. You are smart, charismatic, and interesting. You may be too sensitive to others reactions, especially criticism. Your self-opinion and mood depends greatly on those around you.


You think fast and have a smart mouth, is a hoot to your friends and razorwire to your enemies. You hold a grudge like a brass ring. You crackle.


Although you have a leader's personality, you often choose not to lead, as leaders stray too far from their audience. You probably weren't very popular in high school--the joke's on them!


You may be a rock star.



Sounds about right!

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  • 9 months later...
Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> Wackiness: 50/100

Rationality: 468/100

Constructiveness: 40/100

Leadership: 466/100



You are a SRDL--Sober Rational Destructive Leader. This makes you a Mob Boss.


You are the ultimate alpha person and even your friends give you your space. You can't stand whiners, weaklings, schlemiels or schlemozzles. You don't make many jokes, but when you do, others laugh out loud. They must.


People often turn to you for advice, and wisely. You are calm in a crisis, cautious in a tempest, and attuned to even the finest details. Yours is the profile of a smart head for business and a dangerous enemy.


You have a natural knack for fashion and occupy a suit like a matinee idol. Your charisma is striking and without artifice. You are generous, thoughtful, and appreciate life's finer things.


Try and kick my ass. Go on. I dare you.


Of the 119641 people who have taken this quiz since tracking began (8/17/2004), 3.5 % are this type.




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Wackiness: 76/100

Rationality: 112/100

Constructiveness: 136/100

Leadership: 114/100



You are a WRCL--Wacky Rational Constructive Leader. This makes you a Golden God.


You think fast and have a smart mouth, and you are a hoot to your friends and razorwire to your enemies. You hold a grudge like a brass ring. You crackle.


Although you have a leader's personality, you often choose not to lead, as leaders stray too far from their audience. You probably weren't very popular in high school--the joke's on them!


You may be a rock star.

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Wackiness: 66/100

Rationality: 52/100

Constructiveness: 40/100

Leadership: 46/100



You are a WEDF--Wacky Emotional Destructive Follower. This makes you a Menace to Society.


Well, whether you're actually a menace depends on how you choose to channel your energies. You chew your fingers and have an addictive personality. Properly guided, you can be enormously productive--otherwise you run amok, stir up trouble, and generally have a hell of a good time.


To your friends, you are a source of relentless entertainment. You often get into trouble, but you almost always find a way out. You are strangely popular and feed off others' energy. You live hard, seize the day, and although your more sober friends would like to see you settled down, you generally have fewer regrets and better memories than they do. Your tenet is that, at the end of the day, one regrets only what one didn't try. You are right.


You could benefit from outside help in balancing your highs and lows. Or perhaps cutting back on the caffeine.

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This is Erica posting.


Wackiness: 56/100

Rationality: 44/100

Constructiveness: 50/100

Leadership: 38/100



You are a WEDF--Wacky Emotional Destructive Follower. This makes you a Menace to Society.


Well, whether you're actually a menace depends on how you choose to channel your energies. You chew your fingers and have an addictive personality. Properly guided, you can be enormously productive--otherwise you run amok, stir up trouble, and generally have a hell of a good time.


To your friends, you are a source of relentless entertainment. You often get into trouble, but you almost always find a way out. You are strangely popular and feed off others' energy. You live hard, seize the day, and although your more sober friends would like to see you settled down, you generally have fewer regrets and better memories than they do. Your tenet is that, at the end of the day, one regrets only what one didn't try. You are right.


You could benefit from outside help in balancing your highs and lows. Or perhaps cutting back on the caffeine.


Of the 119813 people who have taken this quiz since tracking began (8/17/2004), 4.9 % are this type.

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Way to bring this back from the dead.


Doing my survery again, almost a year later, the results are different, but the description still fits me pretty well, if not more accurately, than the last results. I can honestly say this is the only personality test I've ever taken that has results even close to the truth.


Wackiness: 40/100

Rationality: 40/100

Constructiveness: 44/100

Leadership: 32/100


You are a SEDF--Sober Emotional Destructive Follower. This makes you a Evil Genius.


You are extremely focused and difficult to distract from your tasks. With luck, you have learned to channel your energies into improving your intellect, rather than destroying the weak and unsuspecting.


Your friends may find you remote and a hard nut to crack. Few of your peers know you very well--even those you have known a long time--because you have expert control of the face you put forth to the world. You prefer to observe, calculate, discern and decide. Your decisions are final, and your desire to be right is impenetrable.


You are not to be messed with. You may explode.

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Wackiness: 64/100

Rationality: 50/100

Constructiveness: 40/100

Leadership: 64/100



You are a WEDL--Wacky Emotional Destructive Leader. This makes you a Anarchist.


You don't give a damn. When push comes to shove, you just forget about it--it's just not worth the heartache. What this means for others is that dealing with you can be aggravating, because they find they can't get you motivated about things they care about. What this means for you is that you are happier, calmer, and saner then they are on their best days.


You are near-immune to criticism, and those who know you well acknowledge and respect that. You may come across as lazy, but the truth is that you find little to get worked up about. Regardless, you have slews of friends, because they are fascinated by your world view, jealous of your lifestyle, and drawn to the fact that you are hilarious to be around.


You are a pillar in a sea of hot-bloodedness. You have a sweet tooth.

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Wackiness: 28/100

Rationality: 56/100

Constructiveness: 56/100

Leadership: 52/100



You are a SRCF--Sober Rational Constructive Follower. This makes you a White House staffer.


You are a tremendous asset to any employer, cool under pressure, productive, and a great communicator. You feel the need to right wrongs, take up slack, mediate disputes and keep the peace. This comes from a secret fear that business can't go on without you--or worse, that it can.


If you have a weakness, it is your inability to say "no." While your peers respect you, they find it difficult to resist taking advantage of your positive attitude and eagerness to take on work. You depend on a good manager to keep you from sinking under the weight and burning out.


Of the 119832 people who have taken this quiz since tracking began (8/17/2004), 7.5 % are this type.

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You are a SEDF--Sober Emotional Destructive Follower. This makes you a Evil Genius.


You are extremely focused and difficult to distract from your tasks. With luck, you have learned to channel your energies into improving your intellect, rather than destroying the weak and unsuspecting.


Your friends may find you remote and a hard nut to crack. Few of your peers know you very well--even those you have known a long time--because you have expert control of the face you put forth to the world. You prefer to observe, calculate, discern and decide. Your decisions are final, and your desire to be right is impenetrable.


You are not to be messed with. You may explode.


Of the 119871 people who have taken this quiz since tracking began (8/17/2004), 14.5 % are this type.



yea dont mess with me i may explode on yea

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Well, I thought I would be a WRCF--Wacky Rational Constructive Follower. This makes you Paul Begala. But instead I got a new one:


You are a SRDF--Sober Rational Destructive Follower. This makes you a Fountain of Knowledge.


You are cool, analytical, intelligent and completely unfunny. Sometimes you slice through conversation with a cutting observation that causes silence and sidelong glances. You make a strong and lasting impression on everyone you meet, the quality of which depends more on their personality than yours.


You may feel persecuted, as you can become a target for fun. Still, you are focused enough on your work and secure enough in your abilities not to worry overly.


You are productive and invaluable to those you work for. You are loyal, steadfast, and conscientious. Your grooming is impeccable. You are in good shape.


You are kind of a tool, but you get things done. You are probably a week away from snapping.


Addendum, 2004/07/19: this fits me 99%, there is a slight inaccuracy however. We are not necessarily completely unfunny. If we have a sense of humor (I do) it surfaces on the occasion with well-timed, completely dry, very sarcastic, wit. - Chase


Of the 119872 people who have taken this quiz since tracking began (8/17/2004), 7.6 % are this type.


I think it's pretty accurate, especially about the last comment about the humor, although I'm not really in good shape (just skinny) and I know I don't have good grooming. And I certainly hope I'm not a tool...

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Wackiness: 34/100

Rationality: 30/100

Constructiveness: 44/100

Leadership: 64/100



You are a SEDL--Sober Emotional Destructive Leader. This makes you a Dictator.


You prefer to control situations, and lack of control makes you physically sick. You feel have responsibility for everyone's welfare, and that you will be blamed when things go wrong. Things do go wrong, and you take it harder than you should.


You rely on the validation and support of others, but you have a secret distrust for people and distaste for their habits and weaknesses that make you keep your distance from them. This makes you very difficult to be with romantically. Still, a level-headed peacemaker can keep you balanced.


Despite your fierce temper and general hot-bloodedness, you have a soft spot for animals and a surprising passion for the arts. Sometimes you would almost rather live by your wits in the wilderness somewhere, if you could bring your books and your sketchbook.


You also have a strange, undeniable sexiness to you. You may go insane.

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