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Official "2 Week" Thread

Guest infamous me 235

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Guest infamous me 235

Ricky called my house today, RIGHT after I left for work and told my mom that he dropped the parts off and it should be done by the middle of next week. :D I was very excited all day at work. So hopefully I will be driving my own car soon instead of all 3 of my mom's cars (which one's ever available that day redface.gif )


Likewise, anyone have an S-AFC available or know where I can get one for cheap (preferably the 2nd gen one, with the dial instead of pad.) Also fuel pressure regulator for the big ole' 255 pump? I have a B&M FPR but remember you guy's saying all it does is raise the pressure. Last but not least, can anyone shoot me some online instructions how to install my injectors I have laying in my room or if someone wants to help me do them, i'll give you some $$$ or lunch or something.


So, anyone else waiting for their "2 Weeks" to be here? :D



Cody smile.gif

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Mud Butt:

Then it is time to start tuning. WEEEE.

Here you on that. I gotta get the 500 miles put on it when I get it then i'll be getting a good tune put on it and a dyno to see some numbers.


How many miles is 270? (I-270 miles / 500 = Laps of I-270.... i'm joking btw.)

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Guest mudbutt
you dont want to break in on highway. You want to do around town driving, not letting your rpm not stay constant or go above ~4k. Different people do it differently. I personally went super easy the first 100. After that I started getting into it a little more still never going above 4k or getting into boost, with the exception of a handful of short bursts. at the 400ish mark I did take it on the highway dayton to c bus and back. I still would constantly varry speed and gear. At 500 I chnged the oil and started giving it more and more. I didnt really start getting into it until around 900 miles. Didnt start modding until 1500ish.
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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by SR22DET:

Cody- you had to post, didnt you. :rolleyes:



I don't want this thread to gay up, so don't hate that i'm finally getting my car back.


[ 10. July 2004, 12:45 PM: Message edited by: Veni Vidi Vici ]

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by B DUBS:

i can do your injectors, what size?

and i can do the fpr to, i just did all of this stuff to a 2g dsm not too long ago

shoot me a pm if you need help

Thanks, i'll be buying a new AFPR from CDSM when I get my car back. I'll let you know when I get my car back and all the goodies i need to get.


Now I just need to find a S-AFC....




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