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what in the hell is wrong with people???


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What in the holy hell goes though one's mind when their walking in 20 degree weather picking out a car to be broking into at 1am-4am? Do they just say to themselves... "who will be my prey tonight, mustang with rims.. nah. J-body with a fart can.. nah. escalade w/ 20 inch rims... nah. lexus in the cornver... nah. mercedes right next to the lexus... nah. wow look at that, i've never broken into a spray paint flat black 1984 VW rabbit before there's gotta be some shit that i'd just love to get my greedy hands on in that piece."


So you would think, such a nice area of town, try the door's maybe the dumbass left them unlocked. (which i did) NO FUCKING WAY, why the hell would you put forth the effort to open a door when you can break the passenger side window just as easily. fuck that.


"ok let's look around... nothing in the back seat... nothing in the hatch area... nada in the glove compartment... some sweet ass pioneer 9x9's on the rear decklid... but their super glued on... let me try and... *sounds of physical force being applied*.. BAh too much fuckin' work. ooo weee look at that piece. a pioneer non-flip down head unit that looks to be around 8 years old or so. yupp thats it. *more sounds of physical force being applied*--- SNAP ---- well i have the face plate.. but the stereo is still in the dash... oh well on to the next POS."


i do find some bit of enjoyment out of this. The sheer fact of KNOWING that when he finally got into the car there was NOTHING in it, a piece of shit stereo, and the doors were unlocked the whole time, making what little effort he/she did put forth into breaking into the car, worthless.


As i said before, What the hell is wrong with people?

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Guest fast cutie
People are so dumb lol Look on their face was probably awesome. We had someone breaking into cars in our neighborhood once, broke into a 00 blazer and stole quarters from the change thing...dumbass
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my moms car got broken into about a month ago, they stole about three bags full of newspapers she was going to recycle. Maybe the thief just learned how to read and didnt want to wait for the bookstore to open.

You ask what they're thinking, but if they were smart, theyd have a job

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my dad took my car to work one night and left it overnight cause he went out on the road and when he came back both front windows were busted out the back part of the door frame on the window was all bent out and the thing is they took a 1.49 disposable flashlight out of the glovebox and left everything else, and my dad took the freeway home sitting in a wet seat full of glass sucks bad
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My other Blazer had the window busted so the thief could take $4 in quarters from the change holder.


Of course, they left the MP3 unit with face intact, binder of 100+ CDs on the seat, and pair of 12s in the cargo area all in the truck. Next time they could just knock on the door and ask for spare change instead of making me pay $182 for a replacement window.

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