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What to do with this cat???

Guest itzsteven

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Guest itzsteven
I found at cat in front of my house. It got hit or something and has a broken leg. The leg is not heal yet. It still bleeding. My parents dont want to keep the cat. We fed him for 3 days already. I tried to spray the liquid bandage for him, but he wouldn't let me. You can see the bone out of his leg. Is there a shelter or a number that I can contact to bring the cat there? I don't know how to take care of it. The wound getting worse. Help please.
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Eat it quick before the infection spoils the meat.


Strap cat down or have freind hold it, wear leather work gloves, youdontwant scratched by a stray. If you have weed, get the cat high. If youhave hard liquer, give the cat a thimble full.


Starilize all open woulds with betodine. Look at the opposing leg and feel it up, you need to know how its supposed to look and feel. Now thast you have some idea, set the bone. DO NOT just push it in. Grab both ends and pull untill you can push the bone in w/o it rubbing the broken edge. You will need to brace it IMMEDIATELY, so have your bandange and splint ready. you will need no less then 2 rigid splints. Check bandages daily, replace them when they become any color other then white.

If the wound looks infected and you dont have antibiotics, ge the cat high again, REAL high. shave all tthe hair off the leg fromt he wound up. get a butter knive glowing hot, and sharpen and sterilze your favorite hatchet. Amputate an inch or two above the wound. Use the hot knife to carterize the wound. Betodine it all and bandage it up.




Take it to the humane society so they can kill it.

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by The Stig:

Eat it quick before the infection spoils the meat.


Strap cat down or have freind hold it, wear leather work gloves, youdontwant scratched by a stray. If you have weed, get the cat high. If youhave hard liquer, give the cat a thimble full.


Starilize all open woulds with betodine. Look at the opposing leg and feel it up, you need to know how its supposed to look and feel. Now thast you have some idea, set the bone. DO NOT just push it in. Grab both ends and pull untill you can push the bone in w/o it rubbing the broken edge. You will need to brace it IMMEDIATELY, so have your bandange and splint ready. you will need no less then 2 rigid splints. Check bandages daily, replace them when they become any color other then white.

If the wound looks infected and you dont have antibiotics, ge the cat high again, REAL high. shave all tthe hair off the leg fromt he wound up. get a butter knive glowing hot, and sharpen and sterilze your favorite hatchet. Amputate an inch or two above the wound. Use the hot knife to carterize the wound. Betodine it all and bandage it up.




Take it to the humane society so they can kill it.

this man knows his shit
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Guest lilchaz16
I like the 12 gauge idea. Would this cat give a shit if you came crawlin to his front yard with your leg barely hangin on??? I think not.
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Take it to the humane society or a "no-kill" adoption agency of some sort if you are worried about the cat living. The only thing that will be done at this point is an amputation of the leg because it is easier and cheaper to amputate than it is to set and cast on a feline.
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