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Criminals visit the neighborhood


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I am not a typically paranoid person but my neighbor has had their Neon broken into 2 times in the last 6 months. The first time my van was broken into as well. I am wondering if there are any surveillance systems out there that are inexpensive and capture to a HDD on a server or something. It would be nice to know who is doing it.
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just wire up a small, cheap camera somewhere above your garage, and then inside your garage have a small tv with a vcr to record what's going on. although a vhs tape might not be able to record for as long as you wish, i'm sure there are other simple solutions.
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my dad just brought home like a lil police surveilance camera thing, the size of a quarter maybe...he went anywhere in our house with the receiver hooked up the TV in his bed room and it recorded really goodpicture and sound quality, Id say leave it on and runnin and if they are loud they might wake you up...that is if you cant find a long enough VHS tape to record onto...but if you go with the VHS tape then maybe wake up every few hours to rewind it and start it over?


or do what I did back in high school when kids were goin around mail boxing ppl, me and a friend saw them hit his mailbox so i grabbed my paint ball guns and we hid in the bushes across the road and they came back for one more hit, they stopped and got out and we popped out of the bushes and lit them up!! lol....well dont use the paintball idea but hide in a bush or something and watch!

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lots of cool junk there.not sure about the hard drive thing though.

if you want a good cheap system though, just wire a motion sensor to a new outlet in your bedroom, then plug in an alarm clock or lamp. only downside is if there's alot of activity in the neighborhood,then you may get some false alarms unless you're real careful about setting up the sensor. that can be done for like 40$ tops

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Guest Redracerx
Hell, get one of the little mexican dogs(I can't spell chiwawa right so...), they may not stop whoever's doing it but they sure as hell will let everyone in the neighborhood know somethings going on.
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Originally posted by Neo:

A cop suggesting someone use lethal force to protect property. Brilliant! :rolleyes:

who said you have to use deadly force 9 times out of 10 the sight of the weapon or the sound of the hammer being cocked back is all it take to subdoe a person. the most scarest thing one can hear in the dark of the night is some cocking the pump of a shotgun.
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Originally posted by Great Googley Moogley:

who said you have to use deadly force 9 times out of 10 the sight of the weapon or the sound of the hammer being cocked back is all it take to subdoe a person. the most scarest thing one can hear in the dark of the night is some cocking the pump of a shotgun.

Under the letter of the law that would be you threatening their life. They could pull out a gun to protect themselves, you shoot them, and you get to go to jail because you were the aggressor in that situation. Bull shit? Maybe, but in Ohio you can not protect property with deadly force. We can think it's bullshit all we want though. I'm going to do what I need to do to protect myself and property while staying out of jail. There isn't very much that pisses me off more than people stealing, especially when it's my stuff. But it's not worth going to jail over. A car isn't worth very much while your sitting in a jail cell with bubba and your car's been taken away due to the civil suit you also lost. I guess you didn't know what the law was, but a Judge or jury won't see that as an excuse for your actions. That's exactly why I took the concealed carry class. I probably won't get my permit, I never really planed on it. But I wanted to know what the laws were pertaining to situations like this. Now that I know, I will defiantly react differently in certain situations, such as this one, if they ever arise.


This is a really good read. It was one of the same booklets that was given to me during my concealed carry class.


When it comes to protecting loved ones though, that's when the law really wouldn't matter to me.

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They could pull out a gun to protect themselves, you shoot them, and you get to go to jail because you were the aggressor in that situation.
yeah that does suck.. however once you shoot them.. who is to say who pulled out a gun first?
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You know the law leaves alot to be desired? I don't know what the right answer is, but this I do know = if someone steals my wheels in front of my house (thats why I carry insurance). Vette always always parked in my garage. If someone breaks into my home! To steal? Whatever? If they're in MY HOME, It will be over, case closed. Bubba or not
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Originally posted by Neo:

Under the letter of the law that would be you threatening their life. They could pull out a gun to protect themselves, you shoot them, and you get to go to jail because you were the aggressor in that situation. Bull shit? Maybe, but in Ohio you can not protect property with deadly force. We can think it's bullshit all we want though. I'm going to do what I need to do to protect myself and property while staying out of jail. There isn't very much that pisses me off more than people stealing, especially when it's my stuff. But it's not worth going to jail over. A car isn't worth very much while your sitting in a jail cell with bubba and your car's been taken away due to the civil suit you also lost. I guess you didn't know what the law was, but a Judge or jury won't see that as an excuse for your actions. That's exactly why I took the concealed carry class. I probably won't get my permit, I never really planed on it. But I wanted to know what the laws were pertaining to situations like this. Now that I know, I will defiantly react differently in certain situations, such as this one, if they ever arise.


This is a really good read. It was one of the same booklets that was given to me during my concealed carry class.


When it comes to protecting loved ones though, that's when the law really wouldn't matter to me.

Dead people can't testify. Hidden bodies can't give out any information either. People breaking into cars deserve the death penality; it is the profession they chose, and just happens to be one of the hazards on the job.
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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

Dead people can't testify. Hidden bodies can't give out any information either. People breaking into cars deserve the death penality; it is the profession they chose, and just happens to be one of the hazards on the job. [/QB]

That's excactly what the officer at my concealed carry class said. "dead men can't sue"...except the part about hidding boddies....I would not recommend that...


Jesse's absolutly right, however, you cannot legally protect property with deadly force. If the theif is armed, that's different, even if it's a knife.

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Originally posted by Random Nization 7:

That's excactly what the officer at my concealed carry class said. "dead men can't sue"...except the part about hidding boddies....I would not recommend that...


Jesse's absolutly right, however, you cannot legally protect property with deadly force. If the theif is armed, that's different, even if it's a knife.

" he must have thrown the knife from the force of the bullets impact ;) "
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Originally posted by Shitaro:

if you shoot the person in the leg, it's obvious that it's not attempted murder because at point blank range, it's not hard to hit someone center mass.

That is still assault with a deadly weapon, as is 'just' pistol whipping someone, not even firing the gun. You'll still be visiting bubba for protecting your property with a deadly weapon.


Walk out with a baseball bat with the gun concealed, and then if they come at you in a manner in which you truly believe your life is being threatened, get the gun out (btw, this is still a felony because of the gun on you, but this is what I would personally do). If you are not within the limits of the law and lie about it and they find out, you are fucked in court. Better to be within the limits and tell the truth about it, it might not even go to a criminal court case. I can almost guarantee it will go to a civil case though. Like I said before, I’m just trying to help inform people as to what ‘within the limits of the law’ actually is. I was slight misinformed before I took the concealed carry class. I probably won’t even get my permit. But that’s the exact reason as to why I took that class. I will definitely react slightly different in proposed situations now that I know, and I will probably be a lot better off legally for doing so.

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Originally posted by Random Nization 7:

...even if it's a knife.

'Peace officers' are legally allowed to use deadly force on an attacker with a knife that is within 21feet of them (in Ohio IIRC). The guys who taught my class (both officers with ~30 years experience) suggested that’s a good guideline. A nimble, or quick, person can cover 21 feet in just a few seconds. FYI.
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