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Michigan sucks ass


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Originally posted by copperhead:

No where in this thread has Eli posted. I guess they don't bother teaching reading comprehension up there.

very nice, and mich fans, keep bringing up the overall all record of osu v. mich as tressel keeps whipping yo ass
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Originally posted by Republicant:

So Geoff just bitched out, eh? Sound slike a true Michigan fan to me.

You are straight retarded. OSU sucks no matter what they try to do. They could have an entire team of good players, however, they work individually not as a team. Their sportsmanlike conduct towards eachother is a disgrace. Michigan man have not have won a National Championship YET, however... you talk as if OSU has won an abundance of them. Shame on you.... You are one of those people who are in it for the support of all of your other bandwagon buddies. 'Hey, OSU is playing, lets get drunk... go Bucks!' G-A-Y.


Learn something about how a team actually works together, and what they actually look like. Remember back in say.... Kindergarden.... there is no I in Team!


p.s. It's Jennifer to you, not JenN!!!!!

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Damn, I wish that any of what you just said made any fucking sense at all. Not playing as a team? The buckeyes have won like 80% of their games the last three seasons, beating Michigan twice.


Also, I've been a buckeyes fan since I was born. My dad has always had a deep love for them, and that's been passed on to me. It's a good thing you know what you're talking about though. graemlins/thumb.gif

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did OSU win on Saturday over Marshall?

did Michigan lose to Notre Dame who got pounded by the Mormons?


How any Michigan fan can run smack after getting their ass kicked by Notre Dame is mind boggling.


Bottom line...



Michigan 1-1


There's no stat column for "pretty" wins. Win by 1 or win by 50, it's all a "W". As long as the Buckeyes keep putting up the wins, that's all that matters.

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Originally posted by Got Turbo?:

Are you guys out of your mind michigan sucks wtf yall almost lost to marshall who the fuck are they not ranked never ranked and not good took you guys till the last 9 seconds to beat them yall are garbage we just had like 3 mistakes by the same guy and got scored on but we will still ALWAYS be better then ohio state besides over all record is like michigan 59- Ohio state 32 :-D

It may have taken us until the last 9 seconds to win. However, you chumps couldn't get it done in 60 minutes against a crappy Notre Dame team.


We win, you lose. Ciao.

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Originally posted by Republicant:

Damn, I wish that any of what you just said made any fucking sense at all.

You're an OSU fan... that's why you can't understand plain and simple english. So, I guess, I can excuse your ignorance in this topic once again!
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and again it comes down to the last three seasons, when they have had a good team. but over all, since the whole rivalry started, check it and get back to me! michigan is the victor more than osu. and they arnt mormans you are dumb. thats m-o-o-n, for you, dumb. if something dosnt go your way, its the refs or its a rebuilding year. yes they won and by the way mich was ahead till late in the third. did you watch the game or are you just running you gibbs to hear yourself? go back to you toilet and read about the team named after a useless nut! pretty, but useless. and come at me with something that has substance
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You want ME, a fan of a team THAT WON THIS WEEKEND, to come at you, a fan of a team THAT LOST THIS WEEKEND, with "substance"? This thread is full of Ohio state fans posting such facts as:


- "We won this weekend. Michigan didn't".


-"Ohio state is consistantly good, we win about 80% of our games every year, if not more (like the National championship season)."


-"We have won two of the last three Ohio State/Michigan games"


-"Michigan was heavily favored to beat Notre Dame, who has a true sophomore quarterback and mediocre specialty position players, but lost."


You have come back with the following points:


-"Ohio State's mascot is a (pretty) nut!"


-"Coaches should definitely NOT try to recruit good players for their football teams"


-"Michigan won a bunch of games forever ago!"


-"Michigan may not have won a national championship in the last few years (Like Ohio State has)... But we're still good!"


-"Notre Dame is a good team, I swear!" (This is a lie)


-"Since I don't know anything about you, you are obviously a bandwagon fan, even though that has absolutely NOTHING to do with the argument at hand!"


If you need ANY further help in deciding which team is better, all you need to do is look at the current rankings. Losing to an unranked, 0-1 team sure does hurt that BCS score.


The only thing this thread has proven so far is that Michigan fans are overweight, unattractive, ignorant, stubborn, pathetic, illiterate, devoid of any creativity or logical thinking skills, and that they probably all smell bad, too.

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...btw, you spelled moon, not moron. Sorta ironic that you spelled that wrong when calling me a moron, in a barely legible paragraph full of poor abbreviations, absolutely no capitalization, and totally devoid of any sort of factual, helpful statements. Good Job..... graemlins/thumb.gif
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its not spelled wrong i spelled moon its off a movie that your prolly not old enough to remember called the stand or did you read the book and the nat. champ games that changed a few years back so there could be co winners how many rose bowl did osu win that used to be the nat champ game like i said you arent comming up with anythign new i can get and quote stats of the 2 teams historys and mich has been a better team overall and 2 games into the season your prolly really stoked "they're going all the way" talk has prolly already started and it shows that you cant be more than 16 or 17 cuz you resorted to personel cheep shots i called you an idiot not fat or ugly and the fact that you would say thease things to a girl is beyond me cuz im not jenn but you thought it was but i give you alot of leway due to your handicap being a osu fan and all i guss stupidity runs in your family or is your father your bro too i herd that runs rampent in these parts
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Originally posted by Pony Pimpstress:

its not spelled wrong i spelled moon its off a movie that your prolly not old enough to remember called the stand or did you read the book and the nat. champ games that changed a few years back so there could be co winners how many rose bowl did osu win that used to be the nat champ game like i said you arent comming up with anythign new i can get and quote stats of the 2 teams historys and mich has been a better team overall and 2 games into the season your prolly really stoked "they're going all the way" talk has prolly already started and it shows that you cant be more than 16 or 17 cuz you resorted to personel cheep shots i called you an idiot not fat or ugly and the fact that you would say thease things to a girl is beyond me cuz im not jenn but you thought it was but i give you alot of leway due to your handicap being a osu fan and all i guss stupidity runs in your family or is your father your bro too i herd that runs rampent in these parts



I don't care who you are, you shouldn't call anyone an idiot or stupid when you type out some crap like that.


And last year NOTRE DAME SUCKED!!! Good lord. Are you really that brain dead? And Notre Dame lost to BYU. Do you know what BYU stands for? Do you know who it's named after? Do you that it IS religious school for...MORMONS.


Michigan has lost their last 5 road openers. 5! And they didn't play Notre Dame as their opener for the last 5 years. And who gives a flying fuck if Michigan was up late into the 3rd. The game goes for 60 minutes, not 37 minutes.


I'd tell you to stop now to save face, but we're well past you saving yourself from looking retarded.


Why don't you come back to me when you can use proper grammar, learn the proper use of commas and periods and sentence structure. Loser.

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Originally posted by Republicant:

...btw, you spelled moon, not moron. Sorta ironic that you spelled that wrong when calling me a moron, in a barely legible paragraph full of poor abbreviations, absolutely no capitalization, and totally devoid of any sort of factual, helpful statements. Good Job..... graemlins/thumb.gif

Actually, I think they were referring to me when I said that Notre Dame lost to the Mormons (aka BYU).
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Originally posted by Republicant:

[QB] We had three mistakes by the same guy, too, and we still won. Notre Dame is not ranked, either. Even if they were, you guys were supposed to beat them by two touchdowns. You lost the game. Marshall has been a consistantly good team year after year for a long time, and they are getting better. Marshall played a great game, and OSU played better. That = a win.



you know your right, marshall has had a good team playing bowling green and cinnci and what not but Ohio state come one now you should have beat them 70-0 you guys suck period!

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Originally posted by Pony Pimpstress:

You are straight retarded. OSU sucks no matter what they try to do. They could have an entire team of good players, however, they work individually not as a team. Their sportsmanlike conduct towards eachother is a disgrace. Michigan man have not have won a National Championship YET, however... you talk as if OSU has won an abundance of them. Shame on you.... You are one of those people who are in it for the support of all of your other bandwagon buddies. 'Hey, OSU is playing, lets get drunk... go Bucks!' G-A-Y.


Learn something about how a team actually works together, and what they actually look like. Remember back in say.... Kindergarden.... there is no I in Team!



p.s. It's Jennifer to you, not JenN!!!!!

This has to be the dumbest reply I have read yet. I am surprised it is not Desperado or Chochmo making the statement.


First, Michigan was co national champions in 97 or 98. Second, OSU DEFINITELY plays as a team. The fact they won a national championship during a year when they had several OT games and close-call wins proves that. The game Saturday also proves it (I was there, I watched , I saw first hand). This is a TEAM!


If you can't make a logical, educated statement about a topic, remove yourself from further embarassment.

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The only thing this thread has proven so far is that Michigan fans are overweight, unattractive, ignorant, stubborn, pathetic, illiterate, devoid of any creativity or logical thinking skills, and that they probably all smell bad, too.
score. repub is ahead on points.
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Originally posted by Pony Pimpstress:

its not spelled wrong i spelled moon its off a movie that your prolly not old enough to remember called the stand or did you read the book and the nat. champ games that changed a few years back so there could be co winners how many rose bowl did osu win that used to be the nat champ game like i said you arent comming up with anythign new i can get and quote stats of the 2 teams historys and mich has been a better team overall and 2 games into the season your prolly really stoked "they're going all the way" talk has prolly already started and it shows that you cant be more than 16 or 17 cuz you resorted to personel cheep shots i called you an idiot not fat or ugly and the fact that you would say thease things to a girl is beyond me cuz im not jenn but you thought it was but i give you alot of leway due to your handicap being a osu fan and all i guss stupidity runs in your family or is your father your bro too i herd that runs rampent in these parts

What an absolutely imbosilic comment!
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We go from football to personal attacks... that shows maturity. None of you dumbasses know me, and obviously not well enough to know when I'm posting, and when I'm not. I type fast as hell, and some times don't use the caps button; however, i do know how to use puncuation when i take the time to do it correctly.


Why doesn't everyone stick to the topic at hand... football. :eyeroll:



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Originally posted by Got Turbo?:

edited for horrid punctuation/spelling/grammer/etc.

Hmmm, Got Turbo? No real profile entries? Making pro Michigan comments? Following another michiganite's love for a certain automobile?


Either this is one retarded newb that is friends with Geoff, or it is a certain person that think's she can get away with extra profiles, assuming no one will notice. Interesting...

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Originally posted by copperhead:


or it is a certain person that think's she can get away with extra profiles, assuming no one will notice. Interesting...

If you are implying that it's me... you are wrong. I have no idea who that person is... nor would i waste my time in creating another profile/name on here :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by Pony Pimpstress:

If you are implying that it's me... you are wrong. I have no idea who that person is... nor would i waste my time in creating another profile/name on here :rolleyes:

I have exactly 1 person in mind.


You are not on that list.


Kindly go back to Michigan, and leave us alone.


EDIT: And I'll pay you to take Geoff with you. tongue.gif

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