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Anyone know where to find some good racing forums?


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Cause this isn't it. This site fucking blows anymore.


CR is great if you want to read Jons drunk posts, or

sell a ratty ass car, look at bad porn, or see Chris Green flex his E-MUSCLES (RAAAWR).


See ya.



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[ 14. July 2005, 08:53 AM: Message edited by: Aggressor ]

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Knights of Speed has the ability to register turned off.


I don't have nor never will have a disposable speed machine


and trackaddicts seems to cater to the roadracing niche, thats great if you are into it, I ain't.


So what else have you got, i guess I could sell my v-8 car, go buy a Neon or a Cavalier and a big falking wing and some neon lights and go join up with columbusstreetricing, but that ain't happening either.


[ 14. July 2005, 08:54 AM: Message edited by: Aggressor ]

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Well, then leave since I'm not selling it to you tongue.gif


BTW, the first reference in each of your posts has been removed per request.


One last note, I have yet to see you at any type of racing event actively racing anything you own.


Racing what? ;)

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Originally posted by Abbie Hoffman:

Cause this isn't it. This site fucking blows anymore.


CR is great if you want to read Jons drunk posts, or

sell a ratty ass car, look at bad porn, or see Chris Green flex his E-MUSCLES (RAAAWR).


See ya.



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BYE! smile.gif


(But something tells me, you'll be back anyway.)

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Originally posted by Orion:

i cant think of two people whod be more thrilled to see eli leave.

Come now, DJ, if I was really that thrilled I would have just banned him again a week ago and taken extra pleasure in his leaving. smile.gif


Funny thing about mass member exoduses, they always come back. We have a real racket going here! lol

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Originally posted by Mensan:

Cause this isn't it. This site fucking blows anymore.


CR is great if you want to read Jons drunk posts, or

sell a ratty ass car, look at bad porn, or see Chris Green flex his E-MUSCLES (RAAAWR).


See ya.



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DJ, lighten up.


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These "I'm leaving" posts are so fucking stupid.


If you don't like it here, don't post anymore. It's that freaking simple.


Instead, you want to attention whore to yourself, act all high and mighty how "xxx.com" site is better than this one, I'm better than you guys, so I'm leaving.


Guess what: we don't give a shit.

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Originally posted by (s)aint Nothing:

Come now, DJ, if I was really that thrilled I would have just banned him again a week ago and taken extra pleasure in his leaving.

that IS freaking amazing. but you did ban cody for nothing, so youve about hit your quota for the month.
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Originally posted by Orion:

that IS freaking amazing. but you did ban cody for nothing, so youve about hit your quota for the month.

I'm getting close, I think. Maybe I'll ban Anthony for being jewish... graemlins/nod.gif
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Start your own forum. That way we can all sign up and tell you how much it sucks.

This forum is an internet gathering place. When you go to a bar and don't see hot guys you like ( I'm guessing that you are into that sort of thing ), do you stand up on the bar and say this place sucks? Please sit down and have a drink or leave.

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Originally posted by Mojoe:

Start your own forum. That way we can all sign up and tell you how much it sucks.

LOL, ain't it the damndest thing? Put hours upon hours of your own free time, tons of your own money, and shit-tons of your energy into something that is provided for 100% free (including "sponsor" ads for members) AND keep a smile on your face when crybabies bitch constantly about it. Now that's living. smile.gif


5798, errr, it's 5797 members now. Who would have thought this place would get so big? smile.gif

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Originally posted by MadMalibu:



Agreed, hey there Malibu Stacy, I am waiting on a call about a motor. Actually I need a week or two so I can get the money back together. I needed to buy a car with better gas mileage (Geo Tracker) so PM me about that motor if you are still wanting rid of it. Short of that, if it's still in the car, tow the dog out to the house and I will make it run again. But you're gonna have to buy a carb from me or let me mod that one like we talked about.
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Originally posted by desperado:

Agreed, hey there Malibu Stacy, I am waiting on a call about a motor. Actually I need a week or two so I can get the money back together. I needed to buy a car with better gas mileage (Geo Tracker) so PM me about that motor if you are still wanting rid of it. Short of that, if it's still in the car, tow the dog out to the house and I will make it run again. But you're gonna have to buy a carb from me or let me mod that one like we talked about.

6 sec S-10.....Man since you have got such a beast of a car I would give anything inorder to have you wrench on it.I know I would be in great, knowledgeable hands, and skilled hands... graemlins/jerkit.gif
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Originally posted by Mr. Wright:

6 sec S-10.....Man since you have got such a beast of a car I would give anything inorder to have you wrench on it.I know I would be in great, knowledgeable hands, and skilled hands... graemlins/jerkit.gif

Hey smartass, ask Marc who it was the that got it running right the last time it was fucked up when someone set it with 60 degrees of timing and jetted it so fucking lean it was on the virge of melting the electrodes off the plugs, and who fiddled with it a couple of weeks ago and got it to at least run continuously at Anthony's with only a real basic bit of tools. Speaking of tools.... tool, as far as the 6 sec S-10. You are once again talking out your ass about something you either don't know about, or simply choose to ignore what I actually said and be a douchebag, I never once have said ANYWHERE that I expected to S-10 to go 6's, well maybe in the 1/8th but that's beside the point. So I am curious, am I more of a douchebag for saying that I could get into the 6's for $25000, that BTW I proved was indeed possible, or you for bring it up over and over again for over a year. Get some new material, you're beating a dead horse with that one.


Better yet go be a douchebag elsewhere, your endless rants of stupidity bore me.


BTW, how's that swap with the 240 coming along? You been at that what, a year. By the time you get it done you will get to apply for historical vehicle plates.


[ 16. July 2005, 02:40 AM: Message edited by: desperado ]

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