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LMAO who sucks now?


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Again I say, everyone is getting to out of hand and bent out of shape. Chill out with the personal threats and trying to analyze peoples lifes. If none of this was going on it would be fine, you shouldn't be able to attack people personally in the kitchen like some of the bashing that has been going in this thread. Its out of hand and over the line. Wich causes everyone to follow, I can't believe how wet some of your panties get over the internet...
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A threat. I've never heard of a threat over the internet, allow me to explain myself and the words i chose to use. " not knowing what im caple of " simply means... you dont know me or my past and how i act toward certain things. Doesnt mean im gonna blow up your house or your car or fight you. Just means you dont know me. Period. now if you consider that a threat you must not get threatened alot :-x but like he said too late right call it what you will.
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I know when me and Hoop-D got in an online E-go battle we both just got warnings, well I did atleast. And then we settled our diffrences, I think more in order are apologies and less shit talking. I read some things where I thought republicant was personally attacking someone and threatning him in a sort of "Under the radar" way. I don't understand how suggesting suicide is very cool either. Anyways, I think you two should take it to PM's where nothing bad every happens because all the showing off stops to talk reasonable.
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Im not showing off. We have rules on here for a reason, and by reading and comprehending what Tim said he as of now deserves a vacation.


If I remember correctly, John has never threatend anyone; period. And the suicide comments are obviously sarcastic. Mabey he should soak them in sarcasam next time?


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If you comprehended what i said so well, why didn't you comprehend me saying it wasnt meant that way. Now i think your judgement in this matter favors that John guy. Because you can assume he was being sarcastic but me flat out saying it wasnt meant as a threat means nothing. For what reason should this matter be taken lightly, he obviously said what he said, as did I. I tried to clear it up, but you aren't paying the least bit of attention to me.
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Oh shit, he's going to have his grandma drive him to beat me up... I'm skurred.


Tj, shut the fuck up, honestly. I made one post about being excited for being in college, big deal. I don't know wether you went or not, and if you didn't, I can understand why you wouldn't understand. I don't think I'm a big shot at all, but I do have confidence in myself. Whenever some dipshit is going to make a huge fool out of himself, I'm going to talk shit to him about it. Why the fuck would you stick up for such an obvious cockgobbler?

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HA! good one B Dick! Where the fuck did you come from? Whats with the word weenie. Im not sure about you, but i have only heard faggots call it a weenie. I mean i would have used the word dick make you seem alot more masculant. Now that we have that faggot out of the way ( i hope you get my dick hair off your mind soon ) we can move on.



My grandma is gonna drive me to fight you? Who siad i wanted to beat you up? Why are you taking me so personal? Im just dicking around! Besides Mr. College guy, I wouldn't want you to think any lower about me then what you already did. And why are you sucking Tj's Dick now. Maybe he said something because you are making an ass of your self with these remarks about a total stranger! Have you ever thought for one minute that maybe you should act your age! what are you like 22 something around there, Im not sure but i know sooner or later you are gonna get tired of coming back to your basement and talking shit. Besides i hardly think you are the type of guy to actually talk THIS much shit with someone in your face. So why dont you just learn to do something constructive with your time. I mean shit dont you have like a assignment, a girl to fuck with. Something! I know if i were to be in college i wouldnt waste my time on CR fighting with a 17 year old " adolesent " who is getting the best of you. :-p

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Originally posted by Got Turbo?:

HA! good one B Dick! Where the fuck did you come from? Whats with the word weenie. Im not sure about you, but i have only heard faggots call it a weenie. I mean i would have used the word dick make you seem alot more masculant. Now that we have that faggot out of the way ( i hope you get my dick hair off your mind soon ) we can move on.



My grandma is gonna drive me to fight you? Who siad i wanted to beat you up? Why are you taking me so personal? Im just dicking around! Besides Mr. College guy, I wouldn't want you to think any lower about me then what you already did. And why are you sucking Tj's Dick now. Maybe he said something because you are making an ass of your self with these remarks about a total stranger! Have you ever thought for one minute that maybe you should act your age! what are you like 22 something around there, Im not sure but i know sooner or later you are gonna get tired of coming back to your basement and talking shit. Besides i hardly think you are the type of guy to actually talk THIS much shit with someone in your face. So why dont you just learn to do something constructive with your time. I mean shit dont you have like a assignment, a girl to fuck with. Something! I know if i were to be in college i wouldnt waste my time on CR fighting with a 17 year old " adolesent " who is getting the best of you. :-p

OKay you little bitch DICK, does that make me sound more masculine? I sapose olny faggots are allowed to use certain words, i forgot, because you seem to know these words better then i do. Now listen little bitch dick, when ever your nuts drop from your stomach, come out out to a cr meet, and talk sht to my face, then i will belittle you like the crusty ass pirate you are ( guess i have crusty ass on the mind to huh, dipshit ).


( and i am the farthest from gay you'll ever find, i think i have laid a few more then you, but then again going back to you and having a bitch dick, i guess its hard to get laid. SO then your resort to the olny thing that will exepct you, queers. And even then queers make fun of your bitch dick)

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Originally posted by Republicant:

... Hey. I wasn't going to say ANYTHING, until this illiterate shithead figured he had the balls to try and talk some shit. You guys beat INDIANA this weekend. I forgot that Indiana even HAS football team, and it turns out that what they really have is a group of guys that dress up in football uniforms and dick around before and after their band performs. I wouldn't really be giving "big ups" to any of the girls in blue for their performance this weekend. It was a W, but damn... Props for beating Indiana? Nope.


You're right, OSU does not have a good running game. Wait, no. Lydell Ross does not have a good running game, the sooner someone puts a bullet in that guy, the better off OSU will be.


Zwick needs to stop sucking. Sure he has his fleeting moments of brilliance, but he really needs to step up (which I believe that he will) for us to return to being a dominant force.


This thread proves once again that the only Michigan fan on the board who has any sort of grasp of the english language Is geoffrey, and he sucks at talking shit anyways. You all need to crawl back under whatever rock you came from, because come game day, you guys wont have shit on us, since your one good reciever doesn't have a quarterback to throw to him.


..... Hey guess what... Notre Dame lost by nearly THIRTY FUCKING POINTS this weekend.... It's a good thing you guys bea.... Oh, shit, I forgot. Michigan still sucks.

hey jon why dont you just remove yourself off of this car board until you get your fat ass into one.
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