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smoke free columbus

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Originally posted by Razorback:

The difference between cigarrettes and alcohol is that alcohol doesn't hurt anyone else except the person consuming it unless it's consumed in excess and the person drives drunk or something, which we have laws against. Cigarrettes on the other hand hurt everyone around the person smoking them. You're literally forcing other people to breathe a form of poison.


Ban the shit. If it were up to me there would be a $500 fine every time a person was caught even holding an *UNLIT* cigarrette.

The punishment for DUI isn't even that bad. Let's say that anyone holding an unopened beer in public gets fined $500. That would mean you couldn't even buy beer at a grocery or gas station, because you couldn't transport it home :rolleyes:


And as for crying about not being able to walk outside without having to walk past a bunch of smokers, what do you think this ban is going to accomplish? You can bet your ass that I will be standing as close to doorways as possible whenever I smoke for now on, because this ban is bullshit.

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Originally posted by copperhead:

The punishment for DUI isn't even that bad. Let's say that anyone holding an unopened beer in public gets fined $500. That would mean you couldn't even buy beer at a grocery or gas station, because you couldn't transport it home :rolleyes:


And as for crying about not being able to walk outside without having to walk past a bunch of smokers, what do you think this ban is going to accomplish? You can bet your ass that I will be standing as close to doorways as possible whenever I smoke for now on, because this ban is bullshit.

Just slightly biased? smile.gif


Anyway, I was under the impression the ban makes it so you have to smoke 20 feet away from the building or something along those lines?


You really should read what I said comparing alcohol to smoking as it's apples and oranges and therefore a failed comparison.


I'm not a violent person or an argumentative person, just stating my opinion which you are free to do so as well. I always like to read everyone's viewpoints.


On Edit: I forgot to address what you said regarding the DUI punishment. The DUI punishment is nowhere near where it should be. It honestly should be instantaneous 30 days lock up, no bail, nothing because there is no excuse for someone going out to a bar, getting trashed, and driving home plowing somebody's wife, husband, mother, or father off the road into a ditch killing them because of something so careless.


I would not be a good lawmaker -- I'm a firm believer in that as it stands now the law has no bite whatsoever and really needs it (people don't follow rules unless there are serious consequences), so most people probably won't agree with me, so I'm not surprised at your reaction on that one.

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aaron, i never claimed all thos deaths were from people that frequented bars, but even if there is a small chance of it why force airbourne poison onto someone else just trying to have a good time.



here is an idea. make a Bar for smokers, and another one where smoking is allowed. and see which one gets more business.


i can guarantee the non smoking one will A) non smoking chicks are hotter (no scientific data but they dont look like barbara walters at age 23) B) hotter non smoking chicks get guys to come out.




so even if many of those deaths are atributted to people that lived with smokers, thats still second hand smoke, so just because when u go to the bar you get it in smaller dosages doesn't mean it isn't bad for you.

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Originally posted by RX7dood:

aaron, i never claimed all thos deaths were from people that frequented bars, but even if there is a small chance of it why force airbourne poison onto someone else just trying to have a good time.



here is an idea. make a Bar for smokers, and another one where smoking is allowed. and see which one gets more business.


i can guarantee the non smoking one will A) non smoking chicks are hotter (no scientific data but they dont look like barbara walters at age 23) B) hotter non smoking chicks get guys to come out.




so even if many of those deaths are atributted to people that lived with smokers, thats still second hand smoke, so just because when u go to the bar you get it in smaller dosages doesn't mean it isn't bad for you.



And actually I believe even with the ban passed owners can still make their clubs "private" and install whatever rules they would like meaning that smoking could be legal there. Could be wrong, but it would sure make it easier for the smokers.

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Originally posted by KBOND99:

How long do you think it will be before they put a ban on smoking in front of a bar or resturant

That's what I was thinking. I can't wait to see how many people will be standing out in front of a restaraunt smoking, and we'll have to walk right through them to get in the door.


Actually, come to think of it, didn't they also put a restriction on the distance you have to be away from the establishment while smoking?

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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by RX7dood:

so even if many of those deaths are atributted to people that lived with smokers, thats still second hand smoke, so just because when u go to the bar you get it in smaller dosages doesn't mean it isn't bad for you.

the deaths are not attributed directly to SHS, just people who died while living with someone who smoked. now, im not saying its healthy for you or bad for you as there are no studies that prove it for either way. just saying that if you don't like the smoke thats fine, but don't walk around blabbing about how its killing you.


i agree though, coming home smelling like smoke sucks.

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Originally posted by Razorback:

Ban the shit. If it were up to me there would be a $500 fine every time a person was caught even holding an *UNLIT* cigarrette.

Ok, and if you have a resturant or bar you can put a sign up that says that. It's your private place of business and you can conduct it how you like it.


I just don't understand why people can't just let business owners decide. Some places are no smoking already because they choose to be.


We're supposed to be republic. But I guess democracy will have to do since it's what everyone's on. I don't think many knows the differences of the two. Go ahead masses tell me what I should do. Tell me how to live my live. Make my choices for me. It's the American way! graemlins/thumb.gif


" I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God,

indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

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Hmm.. The ban doesn't include businesses that require a fee/due/membership right? (someone told me that).


Each resturant/bar should just get a membership card, you pay a buck and you're in. Simple. Now you can smoke because you're a member of the establishment.


Wonder when they'll ban smoking from your own car or your house? :rolleyes:

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berto do you honestly think that a non smoking bar would do better than a smoking bar, think about it real hard ;) and i would love for them to make certain bars non smoking and smoking, but the banned it FROM EVERYWHERE, people have no place to go anywhere at all publicly that they can smoke now, i am all for, i am all for restricting it so non smokers don't have to put up with it, but now we have infringed the rights of people who want to smoke


razorback you are the type of person that smokers are afraid of that you are gonna keep taking their rights until they can't smoke anywhere, but i wouldn't be suprised if this doesn't last for very long, and a statewide ban would not fly in ohio in my opinion

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Originally posted by a Car Enthusiast:

razorback you are the type of person that smokers are afraid of that you are gonna keep taking their rights until they can't smoke anywhere, but i wouldn't be suprised if this doesn't last for very long, and a statewide ban would not fly in ohio in my opinion

I believe you are 100% right about that. I have smoker friends at work. Most of them agree with my beliefs about wanting them to not be able to smoke around us and have that freedom but they believe in what you're saying in that they don't want their freedom to smoke to be taken away because they're afraid it'll be just the beginning.


I honestly don't mind if people smoke in private organizations like private "smoker" clubs or in their own homes and the like because it wouldn't effect people like me, but I feel that public establishments that are not "private" places and out in the open should be banned for the good of other people that don't want to be around it.


I realize many of you are unhappy about it, but I doubt that it'll ever come toa state or country-wide ban on smoking, so if I were you guys I wouldn't worry too much about that happening.

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i know i'm going to get a lot of shit for this but with regards to banning smoking all together.


"if the government can tell ya you can't kill ya unborn child, then it should be able to tell ya if ya can't smoke!"



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I think they passed something like this in Cleveland a year or two ago. Everyone just ignored it. Believe me, the cops aren't going to bust into a bar to issue citations, haul the owner away, and shut the place down.


I hate smoking, and am thankful that I don't have to smell or breathe it in hospitals, post office, grocery store, restaurant, DMV, office, mall, etc. I think to ban it from bars is ridiculous, though. Bars are smokers' territory. And truck stops, etc. I'm pretty happy with the way it has been in the past 10 years. There was really no need to change it. I think this bill was more just a exercise in people asserting themselves.


By the way, did I say I hate smoking and think it is stupid?


With this new smoking ban, maybe some jackass is going to use it to sue a bar owner frivolously ...

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Im BEYOND happy they passed this. No offense to the smoking people, but smoking is the MOST discusting habbit there. I hate coming home from a night out, and reak of nothing but smoke.


If people could be responsible about it and manage to stay in designated smoking areas and such, there wouldnt be a need for a ban. But when you have people flicking ashes everywhere and burning you as you walk.... theres every reason to keep it outside an establishment. It only takes a few to ruin it for the many.


I think its good manars on a smokers part to want to step outside and stop the polution of the nice pink lungs that wish to stay pink and tar free smile.gif


PS.. my parents smoking me out of the house when I was young has influenced my harsh attitude towards smokers these days smile.gif

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Originally posted by Republicant:

I have a serious question for you smokers: Why do you smoke?

FYI.. there's a little thing in cigarettes called NICOTINE that that's kind of addictive? Or did they NOT teach you that in High School.... or the other several million ads out there.
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Originally posted by silverbullet:

i heard somewhere that the bars can pay a certain amount of money to get a permit so there bar can be smoking..is that true?

I believe if they obtain a license to be a "private club" rather than a public facility.


For all the whiners who say "Why did it pass, it's so unfair. Don't ban things that don't affect you."...How did you vote on issue one?

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Originally posted by Mensan:

I believe if they obtain a license to be a "private club" rather than a public facility.


For all the whiners who say "Why did it pass, it's so unfair. Don't ban things that don't affect you."...How did you vote on issue one?


So did everyone that I've talked to off of CR


I was waiting on someone to bring this up in Tina's thread, actually...

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Voted NO on smoking ban and am a smoker


I feel that the issue needs amendment.


-Smoking in restaurants should not be allowed, I agree, kids should be our first priority, their health and safety are our future.


-Smoking in a bar should be allowed, they just go together


-Smoking at a workplace, should be allowed, but buisnesses should provide a certain "area" that does not affect non-smokers, and the buisnesses should provide a delegated area for those smokers & non-smokers alike.

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Originally posted by Cone Smasher:

-Smoking at a workplace, should be allowed, but buisnesses should provide a certain "area" that does not affect non-smokers, and the buisnesses should provide a delegated area for those smokers & non-smokers alike.

That area already exists......it's called "outside".
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Originally posted by SpaceGhost:

That area already exists......it's called "outside".



at honda we had indoor break rooms that were enclosed and with a bathroom style vent at the top. i think that worked nice, but thats a major coorporation, not every little shop should have to do that.

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