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smoke free columbus

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No, what I'm saying is that there's smoking sections, and non smoking sections. What the fuck else do you want? I mean, shit, we don't smoke anywhere public except in the fucking restraunts and bars, everywhere else is "non smoking". All the malls, all the stores, FUCKING EVERYTHING. I think that it's time to make a stand before smoking ciggeretts is completely illegal. If I want to smoke I should be able to. If you don't want to smoke, smell it, or what the fuck ever then go to a place to caters to non-smokers. I know for a fact that applebees is now non smoking, and I"m sure that there are other places. I'm just sick and tired of hearing most of the non-smokers bitching about smokers. Get the fuck over yourselves, I know of one smoker that's real tired of fucking catering to you basterds.


And what the fuck does the beach have to do with any of this??

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As I remember someone saying earlier about certain things passing and what not, get over it, the majority won, you lost.

Deal with that fact and move on, all the bitching in the world isn't going to change the fact the bill passed.


In the future someone will appeal it etc etc, it will be revised but it will still be in affect in one way shape and or form.


You want to smoke? Great. It's your right. It's also MY right as well as every other persons to not have to endure something harmful being done either near or around me in a public environment. Just because you spent the 3.99 or whatever on your pack of smokes doesn't give you the ability to give me some kind of lung disease. You want to go smoke, great, go smoke in the nice comfort of your own damn home. You bought it, you do what you like with it.


But unless you are the bar/restaurant or whatever other establishment that is being affected by the ban, you really REALLY need to shut the fuck up. It's their decision on what a place should and shouldn't be, and as far as this whole thing goes I really think they are the ONLY ones who have any reason to bitch about this at all.

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I'm at a loss why smokers are getting their panties in a bunch.....


1.) Cig's are Wayyyyyyyyyyyy overpriced

2.) It makes you feel like total shit

3.) it smells bad

4.) it KILLS YOU! There's no might kill you... it DOES kill you... it's not the cig's fault if your dumbass jumps out in front of a bus and the bus kills you first

5.) it ages the shit out of you

6.) it makes your food taste bad

7.) it's addicting


the list could go on and on... honestly, I can't think of 1 positive thing about smoking... it doesn't relieve stress... (despite popular belief) It doesn't make you stronger or more likeable. it's a nasty habbit and it's just plain dumb... at least with drugs I can understand the "high" and with booze it at least gives you a good buzz..... smokin will give you a naucious feeling if you smoke a cig that's too strong but that's about it.


Maybe you guys should take this as a hint and quit smoking.... If you like wasting money... give it to me.... I need a ferrari tongue.gif

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Originally posted by RX7dood:

i will frequent bars more often, thats what happened when applebees banned it, to show support i went more often.

Some bar owners might have done the same thing as Applebees, made it non-smoking for a healthier atmosphere. They could advertise this, and get tons of business from people like you.


Instead, there is a smoking ban, and none of the businesses can make their own decision. Yes, non-smokers "won" but at the cost of freedom. And it's not your freedom so who cares, right? Someday it might be though.


I don't smoke, but I would never have voted for the ban.

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Originally posted by Vaccum Leaking V6:

I'm at a loss why smokers are getting their panties in a bunch.....


1.) Cig's are Wayyyyyyyyyyyy overpriced

2.) It makes you feel like total shit

3.) it smells bad

4.) it KILLS YOU! There's no might kill you... it DOES kill you... it's not the cig's fault if your dumbass jumps out in front of a bus and the bus kills you first

5.) it ages the shit out of you

6.) it makes your food taste bad

7.) it's addicting


the list could go on and on... honestly, I can't think of 1 positive thing about smoking... it doesn't relieve stress... (despite popular belief) It doesn't make you stronger or more likeable. it's a nasty habbit and it's just plain dumb... at least with drugs I can understand the "high" and with booze it at least gives you a good buzz..... smokin will give you a naucious feeling if you smoke a cig that's too strong but that's about it.


Maybe you guys should take this as a hint and quit smoking.... If you like wasting money... give it to me.... I need a ferrari tongue.gif

I understand where you come from, but addicted fiends don't understand that perspective.


1.)Cigs aren't that badly priced, they are just marketed correctly

2.)It makes me feel great, gives me a sense of normalcy


4.)Cigarettes don't kill people, people kill people

5.)Aging is good, just like a fine wine

6.)Don't put cigs in your food.....just have one after you eat, they are much more satisfying

7.)It's 90% a mental addiction, but so are cars, alcohol, car forums


It's an odd ordeal, there are definently two sides, and two understandable sides

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Originally posted by Vaccum Leaking V6:

If you like wasting money... give it to me.... I need a ferrari tongue.gif

w3rd give him your money cause that is the only way he will ever get his car running again graemlins/nutkick.gif
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Originally posted by a Car Enthusiast:

w3rd give him your money cause that is the only way he will ever get his car running again graemlins/nutkick.gif

I heard from some pretty reliable resources that a black Ultra Z camaro was seen driving around the east side of c-bus last night ;)
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So I am out to eat in the "non-smoking section." waiting on my food, and some guy decides he wants to kill himself and take us all with him(I dont give a fuck about how big of a chance there is. Its bad for you, period.) He lights one up, the only thing seperating him from me is a 3-inch wide piece of glass/wood that only comes up to our shoulders so his smoke is still coming to me and probably being blown into my face from the fan above.


Not only is this unhealthy to me, it also makes me feel sick to my stomache. Someone elses disgusting smoke ruins my dinnner and makes me feel like shit all day. The only real argument I have heard is "If you don't like it then leave!!" Why the fuck should I have to inconvinence myself and leave somewhere because someone else is making a mistake? As far as I see it, your doing something bad/wrong at any rate bad for you and the people around you, so limiting you to do this on your private time is a problem how?


I am sitting somewhere eating some random person lights one up when I am 1/2 way into my meal and somehow its my fault that I don't like smoke? Wrong, its your fault your smoking and its your fault your smoking in public. I've never meant a smoker that suggest smoking to people who don't smoke but at the same time you want to force them to do it by doing it around them? And think the "Smoking/Non-Smoking section." actually do anything?

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Just a situation, it doesn't seem to make a difference where I sit the smoke chases me. I am destined to die from 2nd hand smoke! It only bothers me when I am eating anywhere else doesn't make a difference.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Razorback:

The ban wasn't on my ballot as I live in Gahanna, but I would've voted for it if it had been. Remember that the ban wasn't just to handle restaurants, but other situations as well.


For example, every morning when I walk into work there are people smoking outside in front of the building. In order to enter the building I must walk through their poison clouds, or during breaks at work if I want to go outside, there are always smokers outside on the patio puffing on their cancer sticks. Why should those of us who do not wish to get cancer from cigarrettes later in life or just simply want to be able to go outside and breathe some fresh(er) air have to breathe poison instead?


The difference between cigarrettes and alcohol is that alcohol doesn't hurt anyone else except the person consuming it unless it's consumed in excess and the person drives drunk or something, which we have laws against. Cigarrettes on the other hand hurt everyone around the person smoking them. You're literally forcing other people to breathe a form of poison.


Ban the shit. If it were up to me there would be a $500 fine every time a person was caught even holding an *UNLIT* cigarrette.

Damn, you want to take away the right to smoke period? Now thats just overkill. If people dont like smoke, dont go where youll be around smoke. If you cant stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.


I dont understand it, the people who are like "Dont discriminate against people, they have rights too, bla bla bla" are the same people who are saying "smokers are bad people, shame on them"

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Originally posted by ChrisR 6G72TT:

Damn, you want to take away the right to smoke period? Now thats just overkill. If people dont like smoke, dont go where youll be around smoke. If you cant stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.


I dont understand it, the people who are like "Dont discriminate against people, they have rights too, bla bla bla" are the same people who are saying "smokers are bad people, shame on them"

Stay out of the kitchen? Fuck that, I'm not quiting my jewb because people want to fuck off at work and smoke in front of the door. (that's the example that he gave above that you quoted.
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Exactly, Because your making the MISTAKE of smoking. Why should I Lose MY right to into a building that has a bunch of people smoking. Its a double negative but I think the smoking ban was better because.


People smoking at the ones making a mistake.(I dont know one long term smoker who thinks its a good thing.)


Since one person is fucking up the people who don't want to do it are forced to or have to leave?(Thats what was going on pre-ban.)


Now, if a person wants to smoke they have to do it on there own private time.(Eating in public etc. is not private time.) So whenever they want to make the bad decision to smoke, everyone else isn't forced to. The person who is doing the wrong thing is forced to leave.(Thats whats going to happen now. personally I agree with this one more.)

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I didnt say quit. You work inside, so people dont smoke inside. Car exhaust fumes are alot worse than cigarette smoke. I bet walking through the parking lot is a lot worse for you if you walk around inhaling it. Thats why you dont hang out by the exhaust of your car, you walk past it and do not inhale it. So just walk past them, and dont inhale the smoke. Unless people are blowing it in your face on purpous, (which im sure they dont) then you obviously cant help it.


And smoking isnt "the wrong thing" Sure its not good for your health, neither is McDonalds, so when your eating your fast food out in public you should be forced to leave since your doing the "wrong thing"? And no one is forcing anyone to smoke. If your outside, your not inhaling SHS unless you are really trying to


Dont you guys like my comparisons smile.gif

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Guest stvbreal
I smoke. I say if you want to smoke wait untill you get home or in your car. Have some comon courtesy to others that don't smoke. No smoking in restaurants, bars, anywhere inside a place.
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Originally posted by ChrisR 6G72TT:

If it says no smoking inside the building thats fine i wont, so then i will take it outside. It should be up to the owners whether or not you can smoke in there

dude, you shouldn't smoke in front of the enterance to your work place... Anyone who thinks that they should be able to should get kicked in the nuts repeatidly so that they can't reproduce.
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While I really don't care as much as some of you about smoking close to me, I'll say i'm glad its banned. I hope they tax the total hell out of it until its unaffordable. It does horrible things to people. I've always seen smoking not only as an addiction but as a weakness of character. Stressed out from work, go smoke. Get in an arguement w/ your spouse, go smoke. The only way to deal with everyday life is to go take a drag. Seems like a weakness to me. I may be a little bent up b/c I lost the most important woman in my life to lung cancer. My mom was taken from me at the young age of 39 and didnt get an opportunity to be a grandma to my daughter. Few of you can understand how it feels to watch someone so close die like that. For those that have i'm very sorry you had to go through it. Seems kinda silly that you take something like breathing for grandite but watching my mom struggle to breathe even w/ the assistance of oxygen sucked ass. Then they had her on so much dilotted/morphine to keep her "comfortable" she was just a zombie. The arguement of its my body i'll do what I please is just silly. Think about your kids/spouse/brothers,sisters and what they will go through when it kills you. Try thinking about someone other than yourself for a change.
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Guest stvbreal

America is a wonderful place to live. You have the constitutional right to be as stupid as you want to be.


I smoke. I'm addicted. I admit. But I am not going to subject my addiction to others around me. I keep my smoking to myself.

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