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Like, know what I'm saying, shit.


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I'm just curious... is anyone else scared to death of how the current crop of 16-21 year old people are going to contribute to our future?


I was sitting at a local grub-slinging establishment tonight, and started listening to the conversations that were going on around me.


Everything from, "like, so I got my, like, paycheck today, and like, the Fuckers, like cheated me 2 hours... I think"... to, "I oughtta move to Florida, ya know what I'm saying, because Fuck Ohio, ya know what I'm saying, Ohio blows, ya know what I'm saying, shit. Man, ya know what I'm saying, Fucking Ohio. My baby's daddy is down there, ya know what I'm saying?"


What in the Hell happened to schools over the past 10-15 years? Do you suppose that every generation thinks that their predecessors are retards? Or, is this current group of barely-passed-the-proficiency-tests scholars actually this freaking ignorant?

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Originally posted by NurkVinny:

Everything from, "like, so I got my, like, paycheck today, and like, the Fuckers, like cheated me 2 hours... I think"... to, "I oughtta move to Florida, ya know what I'm saying, because Fuck Ohio, ya know what I'm saying, Ohio blows, ya know what I'm saying, shit. Man, ya know what I'm saying, Fucking Ohio.

Sounds like my little sister. She moved to NYC two days after graduating from high school because that's what our stepbrother did, and she feels the need to emulate whatever he does. He's got her so convinced that Bush is evil that now she claims to be thinking of moving to Europe, because "the atmosphere is more to her suiting."


I honestly don't understand it.

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Ohh gosh those idiots fuckin annoy the shit out of me, if you're going to talk, talk properly! I don't like people in my generation, I doubt I'd ever marry someone with the presented level of intellected from nowadays sociaty....I guess my expectations are too high but really do not want to be married to a dumb airhead for the rest of my life, and they say that as years moved on people got smarter......total BS in my opinion, if so, theres only really few of us.
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Originally posted by copperhead:

Sounds like my little sister. She moved to NYC two days after graduating from high school because that's what our stepbrother did, and she feels the need to emulate whatever he does. He's got her so convinced that Bush is evil that now she claims to be thinking of moving to Europe, because "the atmosphere is more to her suiting."


I honestly don't understand it.

Go out side of our country, you'll see that how america is vs more laid back places is completely different.
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Originally posted by Veritas:

Go out side of our country, you'll see that how america is vs more laid back places is completely different.

Indeed. Take a drive up to Toronto, ON sometime in the winter, on a snowy day. You can seriously just chill and relax in a place like that, and if you want to laugh at/almost get run over by riced out econoboxes driven by little chinese ladies and their teen daughters on cell phones, the Pacific Mall in Markham is pretty sweet too. Any movie you want, VCD, $5-8 CDN Bootleg PSX games, $5 CDN (Got a bootleg PS1 copy of Initial D there). Anime, electronics and other cool shit too. There's even a few stores with racing/ricing stuff.


Wanna see boobs? Chances are you'll see them on TV eventually, nobody cares. Profanity on the TV? Nobody really gives a shit there either. Some of the stuff I saw would have been hard to show on a lot of CABLE channels that have commercials.


Wanna get wasted? The beer is stronger, and if you like to smoke, the cigarettes have higher quality tobacco in them too.


Overall the people are pretty happy there too. There isn't the same rushed atmosphere filled with discontent that a lot of US cities have.


I actually wouldn't mind living around all that. It's a nice place to live.

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Yep. Take a trip to vancouver, BC or to just anywhere in BC period. Completely different world man. If i did the mary jane, it'd of been heaven. But that point aside - it's just not as uptight/high strung up there as it is here. Crime rate is lower with less violent crimes. They're very accepting of different types of lifestyles and peoples. It might be because BC is west coast type environment also, but from what i've seen california isn't quite that way, seattle's pretty close tho.


I think, the major problem with a lot of american's, is that they forget that they(we) aren't the only ones out there. We have a huge ass world we're sharing with everyone else, but unfortunately we can't even see past our own noses on things that are really, really simple to deal with. graemlins/nonono.gif



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