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new to the forums *waves*

Guest compguy

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Hey all, registered awhile back and havn't had a lot of time to check out the forums here, really cool group of people it seems. I'm Max from Athens ohio, I'm finishing up OU down here and drive a 97 Z, pretty much stock internally with a few exterior improvements. Well, just wanted to say hi.




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Originally posted by Back_2_Reality_Of_Fury:

welcome to the board.. if you need advice or help on the Z, let me know.

Hey man thanks, I appreciate it smile.gif Actually I'd love to give it some more power ...just no space or anyone willing to help me do it.


---And no, I don't have a mullet graemlins/jerkit.gif

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Originally posted by MaxxedZ28:

---And no, I don't have a mullet graemlins/jerkit.gif

Ignore him, just upset because he's out of Depends and can't find his car keys.


Welcome, nice car. I really like the wheels. ;)

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by 98.9% stock:

Welcome aboard. Add another F-Body to CR :D


If you need help or have questions about your LT1, myself and a few others have formidable knowledge on them. And Ass, Grass, or Ass (Dave) has experience changing spark plugs on one graemlins/nod.gif

Also, I have extensive LS1 and LT1 knowledge. I know where they'll beat me, how often, the number of carlengths down to the nearest ten...


Why must I drive slow cars?

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Originally posted by MaxxedZ28:

Hey man thanks, I appreciate it smile.gif Actually I'd love to give it some more power ...just no space or anyone willing to help me do it.


---And no, I don't have a mullet graemlins/jerkit.gif

what kind of power are you trying to achieve?
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Originally posted by 98.9% stock:

Welcome aboard. Add another F-Body to CR :D


If you need help or have questions about your LT1, myself and a few others have formidable knowledge on them. And Ass, Grass, or Ass (Dave) has experience changing spark plugs on one graemlins/nod.gif


That is a beautiful firebird man, got a photo gallery of it? What color is that? Thanks for the warm welcome all. I'd really like to get a procharger or something to that effect and re-do the suspension of the Z, right now I'm runnin full under-hood stock and it's seriously time I do something with it.


But the space and time is limited for me now, maybe some weekend jobs anyone is willin to help me do would be cool where I could bring a few cases of beer and we could just go to town on it tongue.gif


later all



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