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bike alarm?

cptn janks

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ok so im sitting in the living room playing x box around 11:30 tonight. i got the window open and outside in the street i hear what sounds like breaking glass... my one neighbors car got stolen, and 2 others have been broken into, so every time i hear something i check it out.


so i get up and open the door and MY BIKE IS LYING ON THE GROUND and a car is speeding away... :mad::mad: :mad: didnt really get a good look at the car at all unfortunatley. by the time i got outside it was already way down the street.


so i dunno if they were trying to steal it or just fucking with it or what? i have a wheel lock on it, and it will roll maybe about a foot before it stops. i thinkthey tried to roll it away, then it hit the lock and fell over... too bad it didnt fall on top of the asshole... so now its 4 am and im still waiting for those fuckers to come back. :lol: no glass was broken anywhere, so i guess it was really just the sound of the bike falling over...


anyway... my question is this: what is a good reputable bike alarm system? i want something that is pretty good, but not somehting that will go off every 15 mintues or whenever a fly lands on the bike. any ideas?

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ok so im sitting in the living room playing x box around 11:30 tonight. i got the window open and outside in the street i hear what sounds like breaking glass... my one neighbors car got stolen, and 2 others have been broken into, so every time i hear something i check it out.


so i get up and open the door and MY BIKE IS LYING ON THE GROUND and a car is speeding away... :mad::mad: :mad: didnt really get a good look at the car at all unfortunatley. by the time i got outside it was already way down the street.


so i dunno if they were trying to steal it or just fucking with it or what? i have a wheel lock on it, and it will roll maybe about a foot before it stops. i thinkthey tried to roll it away, then it hit the lock and fell over... too bad it didnt fall on top of the asshole... so now its 4 am and im still waiting for those fuckers to come back. :lol: no glass was broken anywhere, so i guess it was really just the sound of the bike falling over...


anyway... my question is this: what is a good reputable bike alarm system? i want something that is pretty good, but not somehting that will go off every 15 mintues or whenever a fly lands on the bike. any ideas?

a yama let them have it lol

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Iron pony carries this brand, it seems to have a lot of nice features. I haven't used so I can't comment on its quality. Runs about 300 for it and the wiring harness.



Too bad you didn't catch them.

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hmm that one looks pretty nice... ill have to go check them out.


anyone else on here have an alarm on their bike or know of a good one?


i was contemplating lojack, however it costs more than i paid for the bike... but its really a sweet system. once you report it stolen it sends out a signal that the police can pick up in their cars, and they track the vehicle down. their site claims a 90% recovery rate, often within hours of the theft.

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