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Bunch of cars got towed


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So I'm at a friends with about 15 people, all drinking/drunk. Half of the cars are parked on the street of the residential neighborhood. A Mifflin cop pulls up, knocks on the door and tells us that every car in the street is being towed and if anyone tries to argue with him he will take us all in for underage drinking.


So anyway, this cop thinks he has us trapped in some kinda corner. I call my dad and let him knwo whats going on. He calls one of his best friends that he races often with, it turns out that he pretty much is in controle of the entire impound. So we all will get our cars out for free.


What I don't understand, is that there are no "no parking" signs on the entire street, and it is a residential area off of Agler road. Can they do that?

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Well this is a pretty good case of the cops doing a half assed job at what they do. Sorry Ben, but if the cop is standing there at the door and knows you are all underage and drinking, and does nothing about it, he should loose his badge. You all should have been hauled to the cop shop and whoevers house it was charged with contributing. Sorry bud, but I agree with the law. It's hard enough for older people to make intelligent decisions when they are drunk. Teenagers are prone to bad decisions stone sober, so adding alcohol just adds to the bad choice carnage.


And before ANYONE starts in about how underage drinking doesn't hurt anyone, ask TJ about the dumbass decisions and inability to drive sober as a teenager, and the problems it can cause, or better yet ask the poor fuck that was in the passenger seat of the car that hit TJ. He got to learn the REAL hard way. I may be an ass at times and say some really mean and awful shit on here. But I damn sure don't want to see ANYONE go through the shit I have seen happen when I was your age and younger. I have stool over the caskets of schoolmates, due to alcohol and dumbass decisions that my friends made. And watched guys get loaded into police cars, go to jail and sat in the court room while one of them was sentenced. Your not young forever, and life is NOT guarenteed to be long and happy. And doing the "cool thing" can sometimes get you killed, or kill someone else.


I remember saying that shit can't happen to me, and I don't know no one that shit ever happened to either when people told me what I am telling you now. And then it did happen, to my friends, to the guys I ran with. And I get to live with those memories, and count my lucky stars I wasn't in this or that car, or at such and such party. But maybe that's what it will take, going to see what's left of your buddies car, where the seat you would have been sitting in folded in on its self because he was drunk and blew a stop sign.

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As far as the posting times.... I said that because someone else might NOT look.

As far as the driving, honestly, I think you are missing the point. Driving, or not driving is only one of the poor alcohol + poor teenage decision skill fuckups that can happen. But that's ok, I have no idea what I am talking about, at least in yor eyes. My only hope is that you don't get to find out I am right the hard way.

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Is it that hard to look at the time posted that you edited your post, and the time that I posted? And whata re you talking about? There was no driving involved in this senario.



Hurnhhhh, whut dud u just say?


Some long ass rant that no one will read and has almost nothing to do with the situation at hand.



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If it was in "royal manor".. on the north side of agler, yeah, they can tow your cars. You can't park on the right side of the street. There are signs there, but there's not a whole lot of them.

my be to drunk to see signs the should have been towed it might have saved someone LIFE an may be yours.if you drink an drive you need to get cought i dont feel sorry 4 you.

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Guest Boo_Boo814u
i agree totally with desperado i 2 have seen many of friends been severly hurt do to there stupid mistakes b/c of drinking n thing n that their cool and not drunk so they drive n get injured
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i agree totally with desperado i 2 have seen many of friends been severly hurt do to there stupid mistakes b/c of drinking n thing n that their cool and not drunk so they drive n get injured


Your a dumb piece of shit. Where anywhere in the post does it say we were driving, or planing on driving? Thats right, it doesn't. I hate you, and your dumbass DUI friends, hopfully the don't kill anyone on the road.


I don't let drunk people drive. I spent 1 fucking hour last night standing behind a mustang outside 4 keggs because my friend emily tried to drive home after 3 pitchers of liquid dope, aand shes 5'4" and wieghs nothing. Maybe you should look out for your dumb friends.

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I know drinking is a big deal but really, why not just wait till you are 21 and not have to deal with getting caught. I do fully stand behind the drinking age should 18, at that age you can do just about anything and are considered an adult so why cant you drink. But still laws are laws, if I were that cop there would have been a paddy wagon to take alot of underage peolple to jail.
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