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Extreemists are great!!! PETA, treehuggers, vegans, vegetarians, all of em!

Typically you can bring them to utterances of nonsense and swearing by picking apart their clothing, cars, makeup or whatever. There is NOTHING like a vegetarian with leather seats in their car, pointing this out really pisses them off.

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Guest FBody Addict

animals are slaves huh..... yeah, i work my dog to death, poor guy, he has to lay around all day until he wants to play, shit, or eat. he's soooooo miserable, and i'm sure he feels exploited



ever see a "vegan" eating gummi bears? i've called a few out for that


this is why liberalism must die

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I have several Vegan friends that I have known since I was a freshman in high school, and they could care less if anyone else ate meat, or other animal based products. It is just here choice not to, and they don't bother anyone else about it.


And liberalism must die? Hmmm, have a blast in that world of no fun.

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this is why liberalism must die

ignorant communist fool.

Our country was founded by liberals. Just because the right makes a bullshit derogatory term out of it doen't mean it makes you look smart or cool when using it. PETA is very conservative. Liberal would be killing and eating anything whenever you want.

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ignorant communist fool.

PETA is very conservative.


What???? Peta attempts to force an agenda, sometimes voilently. And like most other extreemists, specifically the treehugger sect, continually push for more regulation by the governemt to control people, and what they eat, think and do. Conservatives are about less government, and more freedoms.


As far as the communist comment. It's time you get back to high school, and retake govenment class. Communisim is the ultimate in government contol. That would be the government forcing people to eat or not eat meat. And that it what PETA wants, not the normal, free thinking people.

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PETA is almost as bad as those jackasses that stand on the street holding up posters of aborted fetuses. IT's times like these that wish we didn't have a 1st Amendment just so people like these can shoot off their damn mouths.


Good find nonetheless. Very informative. Does anyone know of any blowback from this show?

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Communisim is the ultimate in government contol. That would be the government forcing people to eat or not eat meat. And that it what PETA wants, not the normal, free thinking people.

Yeah, and wanting alliberals and those who think differently then you to die is also communism, with a sprinkling of fascism.



about less government, and more freedoms.

You just described Liberal, almost as good as Webster. But sadly, the right also wants to impose their own beleifs on the american citzenry. Less govt, unless they want the govt to be able to do something, then they mobilize and get shit done, even if its none of their buisness, like keeping a braindead lady plugged in or amending the constitution to prohibit gay marriage and abortion.


If you had to choose between conservative and liberal to define PETA's actions, Conservative would be the obvious choice. What they beleive may be different then you, but they way they go about beleiving it is the same. Just like Fallwell, the klan, and the people who bomb abortion clinics. Extremism is a conservative trait.

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PETA is almost as bad as those jackasses that stand on the street holding up posters of aborted fetuses.


"You mean those dickheads in front with the signs of dead babys and shit? Fuck no, me and Silent Bob are pro-choice, a womans body is her own fucking business!"






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Conservatives/Republicans are about state-decided laws and family values....when those values coincide with the ideals of those in power.


Liberals/Democrats are more idealistic and think problems can be solved without conflict...but they still want to tax the fuck out of you to give it away to countries who can't help themselves. Talk about imperialism.


Apathetics, like me, know that politics is a bunch of bullshit and the world is headed for a fall if people simply categorize things all the time, such as I have just done to point out the flaws of said categorization. Why I'm an Int'l Relations major is beyond me, but who knows; maybe i'll have fun.

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Guest FBody Addict

sorry about the liberalism must die comment, but i do think of peta as extremely liberal, and most of the peta supporters i know think communism is the way to go


back to topic------------------------------>

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