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*UPDATED*!!!!Ohio Riders 1 Year Anniversary - 6/16/07


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Looks like the plan is:

Morning ride- Meet Iron Pony a 10:00am roll out at 10:15

Meet at Highbanks park for lunch at 12:00pm or so

Registration for scavenger hunt/picture run at 12:30.

Group Pics done during Lunch, so please try to wear a T-shirt that is WHITE or BLACK!!!

Picture run starts at 2:00

Ends at 6:00 Applebee's @ Polaris Parkway

Food is not provided at the PPP, so grab something to eat before heading to PPP Party

You can head over to PPP anytime after that!

Remember that you to BYOB/A to the party....

Picture Run Information

$5 per person, Teams will be assigned

ONE CAMERA per team!! Will have to show an empty memory card!

One person from the team will have to be in ALL pictures

(Doesn't have to be the same person every time)

The list will be handed out at 1:45 pm, in a sealed envelope one per team...

Start the run at 2:00pm

Ends at 6:00pm Applebee's @ Polaris Parkway! Roll in after 6:00pm and you lose automatically!

Most point wins. You will have to show all pictures.

Winning Team takes half of the pot....Other half goes for the running of the site...

Winning Team will be announced at PPP.

PPP (ProundPops House)

5450 E. Walnut St

Westerville Oh 43081

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Hells yeah brotheren sounds like a shin dig to me. so count me in.

and in the list of options at the bottom of the screen can we install a spell checker for the alphabetically retarded?? (ME) I dont even know if thats a word or not but fuck it.. and you

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Danger, Danger Will Robinson!

After this past stellar weekend of Clutch's first podium finish, third in 600 Superbike, seventh in GT1, and sixth in Unlimited Superbike, we're off to the races. Next race, June 16/17.

You're all welcome to the PPP, but as of now, I won't be here. The place is all yours, you know where it's at, make yourself at home.


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Yeah that will be a GREAT time to meet some more riders - I'm new here FNG's!!! -

But looking forward to making friends and even if not friends, some people when they know you and wave, they mean HI SKIP and not HI F'n guy on a Bike that I don't know!!! :bow:

Just kidding - Nice meeting those I have though - Chance meeting with Whitey, Ben and Charles has turned out to be an entire network of people "to know" if you want someone to ride with and to do really fun stuff with kewl peoples! - Thanks for the HOOK up you three! -


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  Ludefreak said:

Ok guys this has probably been covered but im an idiot. Where and when???


Post subject: Ohio Riders 1 Year Anniversary - 6/16/07

Looks like the plan is:

Morning ride- Meet Iron Pony a 10:00am roll out at 10:15

Meet at Highbank park for lunch at 12:30pm or so

Registration for scavenger hunt/picture run at 12:30.

Picture run starts at 2:00

End at 6:00 (Place TBA)

PPP anytime after that!


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way to go guys!! I'm gonna be goin to Country Jam that saturday most likely. I'm guessin that race is a Fastracks event? I might decide to head to that, I gotta get the recall done on my shock first so i can ride though.

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