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Anybody know anything about geckos


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Get him a Bearded Dragon, the best reptilian pet ever. Most gekos are tropical and stickl'er about their environment. Plus many tend to be ill tempered. I had a bearded dragon for almost 7 years, got here fresh from the egg, best pet I've ever had.

Keep them under a heat lamp and warm and they will be active, cool them off and they'll be lazy.....well, they're lazy all the time. They eat crickets, my adult ate live mice. She rocked, very freindly.



infant, about $50 for a pretty and healty one.

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Trip to the hole in the wall?


Damn you, you know how much I had to pay to get that shit fixed? The cracks are in one of the upper corners. As far as I remeber(its been in the basement for awhile) the cracks arent rough to the touch. And you can put that side in the back(kid safe:)). I can try and get pics for ya if you're interested. I have a heat lamp as well, I think its 250-500 watt bulb, housing and all.

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bearded dragon would be a great alternative. I used to be a zoo keeper so i've worked with many animals. most bearded dragons will just sit on ur hand. there is a good way to hold them put their belly on ur hand put their head through your forefinger and middle finger and lay the body down ur arm. they'll sit there forever if u let them
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  wnaplay said:
Can you play with them? Are they kid friendly?



Absolutely. Get them as young as possible and just get them used to being handled. An older one that had a rough life is just like anything else, it'll be pissed off. How old is your boy? Reptiles are not for babies, their poo can carry salmonilla.

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my roommate has a fuckbuddy who stores her's here. Leapord gecko. they are nochternal. they eat crickets and grasshoppers. when they are out they are entertaining but can get away from you very quickly. personally i think the leapord gecko is the ugliest of them. iwould recommend a rain forest gecko. they do need heat so if you have ac or in the wintertime they do need to be protected from any kinds of cold drafts etc..
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i had one for a while...found it on my ceiling in Florida...and i've had a few friends with them. they are pretty laid-back lizards, fun to watch but otherwise boring, and they are very fast. just remember, Geckos can climb walls and go upside down...so if he gets out it migh be amusing.


i'd say they need just what any other lizzie needs, aquarium, heat rock and lamp, they have to have a place to hide, maybe a spray bottle to give him a little rain, crickets or mealworms.

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