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This Might get Ugly.


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I mean shit thats some paranoid shit........ I mean come on ... I work in Security I've build device to do ODD things like listen to pages and shit but they think we watch there dna.... Thats just fucked up grab your tinfoil hat.
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I mean shit thats some paranoid shit........ I mean come on ... I work in Security I've build device to do ODD things like listen to pages and shit but they think we watch there dna.... Thats just fucked up grab your tinfoil hat.



my electronics teacher at UTI did stupid shit like that when the carbon monoxcide alarms went off in the shop while we were in class he actually had a tin foil hat and took off running out the door... they dude pissed me off alot to lol as for that article i read a couple sentences and that dude needs to quit the acid!

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Ahhh, KKK meets Hollywood, guess who lost out. I ain't gonna sit here and say that the Klan ain't a bunch of racists, that would be far fetched even for a guy that builds 6 second cars from server cases for under 30 grand.


But, heat the Klan is now, and was in the past is not nearly as violent as media would have everyone believe. And consider that if the entire group was as extreem as they are portrayed, it would seem to me that were wouldn't be any minorities, because they would have all been killed off. So yes, there is a difference between someone wanting persons who they feel are inferior to leave their race alone, and wanting to wipe out a race because they feel they are inferior. Everyone seems to want to group every white supramacy group into one big group and say they are all exactly the same.

And in every group, there will be factions that are super extreem, but they are not the norm.

And as far as what Eli said, I was talking about the Klan. Not the Nazi's, different group, different motivation. And yes the Neo-Nazi's ARE extreemists and violent, they are also mostly comprized of dumbshit kids that are trying to find someplace to fit in and get into that bullshit, or they get their kicks being violent.


I don't specifically subscribe to any of the hate groups, mostly because they aren't anymore supreem than the people they are hating on, and many of them are fucking cowards, Nazi's are the worst of it. There are a few older guys that slap on the swastikas and beat their chests, they make really good motivational speakers, then they cower down and let stupid shit kids do their bidding. Doesn't say much for the strength's of their belief now does it?? And the Klan has turned into pussies too, they call out the fucking cops and national guard and erect fences every time they make a public apperance. Fuck that, if you are gonna talk that shit, then stand up about it.

If you really are against something, speak up, but do it like a man, show some fucking conviction for fucks sake. And the violence thing as a whole, just reinforces the lack of conviction of a cause and indicates being more cowardness. Go picket a church, in broad daylight, go picket the NAACP office, don't be a fucking coward and blow it up at night, to minimize the threat of confrentation. Because that is all that is about.

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After all the retoric and bullshit this guy was spouting, I wonder just how many of us dumb white guys he's killed personally in an attempt to to "exterminate" us?


I wonder if you could get a video tape of this speech and put a bullet in the head of everyone that clapped at that comment, and then claim self defense???

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After all the retoric and bullshit this guy was spouting, I wonder just how many of us dumb white guys he's killed personally in an attempt to to "exterminate" us?


I wonder if you could get a video tape of this speech and put a bullet in the head of everyone that clapped at that comment, and then claim self defense???


I would bet a Redneck would say some shit to a black guy befor this tool said anything about exterminating white people to a redneck's face.

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this guy is the next hitler.


this whole racist thing today is pathetic, people always saying that a race of people are putting them down, other then a few minor groups racism doest exist today, get over it and stop using it as an excuse for anything that doesnt go your way.

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The truth hurts.


Friend of mine brought up a good point, if a white guy said this, it would be front page news and he may even go to jail.


What do we think of that?


Agreed, I was listening to the radio last night on the way home. They are trying to keep the Neo-Nazi's from demonstrating in Ohio again by invoking a law that says that directed threats are NOT protected under the constitution. I am not sure if this is a federal law of a state law.


I am yet to hear of any white supremacy group, in a public forum or march, advocate the irradication of any race. This is not to say that they don't preach this in the backwoods cross burning and lynchings, but it's not spoken in public, because directed threats are not protected speech. And they would all be rounded up and jailed for saying this type of thing. And I am not saying that if some KKK or NAzi party member said some shit like this, that there wouldn'r be people that would clap and cheer, but they need shot too.


I don't agree with hate, at least not based on race, religon, sex, sexual preference. But what I can't get past is that this asshat should be locked away in a cell across from the leader of the Arian Nation (sp?) and left there. We don't need shit like this society.

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that ridiculous.


white people say that all the time. they just have the luxury of being subtle about it. i have no doubt that you yourself have entertained thought ofthat nature at some point as well.


whoa.. im asian but honestly i cant imagin white person (who has that much power) saying stuff like this =/ .. on CSPAN ?

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ever heard of david duke? almost became a governor (if i recall correctly, of alabama) with white supremecy as part of his platform. within the last ten years.


those who think racism is dead are sadly mistaken. its as strong as ever, just more subtle now. do we find blacks folks swinging from trees (EDIT) by their necks? not very often. do we see latinos dragged behind cars for miles? hardly. but its there.


for the record, id like to say that racism is stronger now than it ever has been as far as the minority opinion of caucasians go. especially from blacks. affirmative action has been the worst thing to happen to black people since the firehose. weve created a culture of entitlement that you see in almost no other minority group. unfortunately, i dont see it getting any better.




edited for content. dammit jesse, i was laughing too.

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and you white people run the government.


colt, des, scott, you guys are stupid.

Yeah, it is true, I can't argue with the stupid thing. I think you're wrong on white people running the government. It's green and called money that runs EVERYTHING. If politicians ain't gettin theirs, then there would be no government.

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there isnt a thing in todays society that a black man is prohibted from doing that a white man can do. sure there are a few people that talk bad against blacks, all it is is talk anymore, confront them and they will back down.

I lived in an area where people would consider themselves redneck racist, but they do not do anything to put the people down, worst they ever do is joke around and if they are serious they do not back anything up with actions.

I got a freind charles (black man) he always blames his crappy situations is because people dont like his color. but thre just radom bad events that happen to him, same crappy things happen to other people, but when you point them out and draw attention to them or that he tries to bend or break the rules (rules of the company he works for), he usally gets his way though. his company treats other people the same way as him, but he draws attention to his mistreatment and places blame for it.

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If racism doesn't exist the how come my ex was forced to stop seeing me because her dad wanted her to date an American. This is after the mom, and over protective older brother thought i was the shit. The man never even MET me. And whats funny is i'm as "American" as the next. call it what you want but thats prejudice.
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