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We adopted a 3 1/2 year old, 80lb. German Shepherd named Koby tonight. He's been home for 5 hours now and still hasn't barked. He even met the neighbors dog thru the fence and not a peep out of him. I can't hardly believe it because the folks we got him from said he was to hyper. He just needs to be played with. I can't get over how smart he is.





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He's the smartest dog I've ever owned without a doubt. He had free roam of the house last night and didn't damage anything like I kinda figured he would. He barked a couple times around 1am because he wanted to go outside. After that I didn't hear another peep out of him till the alarm clock went off and startled him.

I hope he never has any problems with his hips. Wonder if there is any preventive maintence I could do to help prevent hip problems?


thanks everyone, I just had to brag him up a little... :)

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the hip proublem is a genetic one, so not much preventive.


not nessesarily, it is common in shepards, but you can help prevent the hips from developing problems by limiting thier jumping for the first year - year and a half, like jumping off stuff and allowing it to jump to catch frisbee's ect.



looks like a good dog, you have a fenced in yard? can my lab come over and play???

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Cool dog. Here is a pic of my American Bulldog Jovie.





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Can you see my dog doing that Clark???


btw, cute puppy... i love shepards! I have one as well (used to own two :( )


Jen your dog is the size of a Festiva. that dog would be even cooler if you yelled at it in german.



BTW this is CLARK THE GREAT on dumbasses name

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Guest mithesaint
not nessesarily, it is common in shepards, but you can help prevent the hips from developing problems by limiting thier jumping for the first year - year and a half, like jumping off stuff and allowing it to jump to catch frisbee's ect.


Hip Dysplasia is a multifactorial disease of large breed dogs. Genetics plays an important role, as does the dog's environment. Most dysplasia is expressed early in life (2-3 years old) and then progresses to degenerative joint disease and arthritis. Some cases can be treated with pain killers, other, more severe cases in younger dogs need total hip replacements. There have been many studies that have proven that a balanced diet fed in MODERATION helps reduce the incidence of dysplasia in a given genetic population. If he doesn't have any problems yet, that's a good sign, but it's no guarantee he won't get arthritis later in life. Sadly, many big dogs do.


What should you do? Keep your dog in good shape. Daily walks and weekly trips to the park. Keep his muscles lean and strong, and keep him thin. Look at your food bag. What are you feeding him? Anyway, look at the bag. Find out how much he is "supposed" to get, and reduce that amount by 10-15%. The feeding guidelines are formulated for sexually intact dogs and their energy needs. Assuming that your dog is neutered, which he should be, his energy needs are less than if he wasn't neutered.


That help?

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Might i recomend a new type of treat for your new family member. One of our dogs became REALLY sick after some bad raw hide chips. And our vet told us that raw hides have a tendancy to carry bacteria on them that make dogs sick. In our case it was Colitous. (trust me its gross and nut fun)


She told usa bout Greenies. They are a littel pricey but the dogs seem to love them and they are good for their teeth. You can get them at meijers and petsmart and order them on line.


your dog is very pretty... :D

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awesome dog!

I've wanted a german shepard for awhile. Not only are they badass, they're a dog that might actually be able to keep up with me running (as long as they dont get that hip aids), plus german commands are the shiznit and what better dog to teach them to?

Just I barely have time for myself, let alone a dog, so I'll just have to wait

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