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whats wrong w/ gahanna?


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man. i dont know what it is with my town lately. some of you may have read about the jumper this past weekend. well, tonight, im talking to my dad, and he said something about a kid who shot someone this summer died...right away, i think of this kid (tim) i hung out w/ for a summer when i was like 11-12...he killed this guy i went to school with for a few years till he dropped out. i knew each of them, it was kinda like...whoa...little history on this Tim kid...


i was friends with him for a summer when i was in middle school or so. he was in 4th grade, and when youre younger, you just want some people to hang out with. i never really became "friends" with him. really, over the next few years, he started changing, getting into the drugs, the "im a gangsta" attitude. over the next few years, i started to dislike him. oh well...


2-3 years ago, im going somewhere. may have been delivering pizzas, may have been on my lunch break, im not sure. i pass ridenour in gahanna (where the cemetary is), and i look down, theres a couple cops, and an ambulance. i see a red mustang on its roof. come to find out, its Tim. he had gotten his drivers license an hour earlier. flipped his car.


this past summer, his dad dies. not even a week or so after that (this is the part i have heard from some people close to him, so i have no reason to disbelieve it) he went over to one of his dad's friends places, and he gave Tim one of his dads shotguns b/c "he wanted him to have it". that night, a buddy of Tim got into some shit with the kid who dropped out, and they were going to meet @ Meijer parking lot to fight. they get there, drop-out has a gun. starts shooting it in the air, at the ground, Tim gets in the car (where the gun is) loads it, as he looks back, drop-out has a gun pointed at his friends head. Tim says "duck", friend jumps, he shoots and kills drop-out. police get meijer surveilance video, deemed the self-defense story he claims checks out.


this past week, he is out riding a motorcycle in NA, has his helmet on, loses control of the bike, runs over the curb, falls off the bike, hits a sign, and died.


i cant imagine what his mom is going thru, having the accident, husbands death, son killing someone, then sons death all in about 2-3 years. crazy shit


and some other girl from my HS just died last week when she was riding in a car w/ a 14 y/o driver. 2 students, 2 weeks. plus the jumper. what is this once-quiet town coming to?


link.... http://www.snponline.com/NEWS11-9/11-9_ghmarsch.htm

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That Tim guy died at the entrance to my complex. Word is from people in the area that he was trying to show off and pass a car where the road goes from 2 to 1 lanes (people try it all the time) hit some gravel and lost control.
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yeah, thats what i was sayin about the other person from the HS dying. my sister (you might know her...karina wyant) asked if i knew her, said she was a year below her. i was a senior when my sis was a freshman, which woulda put the girl who died in 8th grade, so i never did know her
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it seems to happen in spurts.


When I was in high school I lost 2 close friends and two people I knew, all went to my high school, 3 in my grade, one I saw the accident happen, all in like 2 1/2 years

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Tim died right outside this girls house i was dating up until tonite.......they said he was going 100mph....tried to pass a car.....another car was coming the other directions and he didnt think he could make it, swerverd off the road and clipped a pole.........btw.....it was his first day having his bike.
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ya i heard about the gun thing....seems that the whole reason wasnt a such a good idea....he got away w/ self defense but it was over someting that none of them should of been a part of...even if you wnat more info pm me....... my old girl was pretty good friends w/ him.
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nah its ok. when i heard it was jason that he killed, i was like...:o wtf...i remember 8t grade and freshman year science with him. i was never really a friend of either, but then again, neither of them really seemed like they were trying to make anything of themselves. i dont know about tim since i havent been in school for a couple years, so besides what the counclers say in the paper, but i dont think theyd ever say anything negative, so im not sure how he was doing
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It is funny how things get twisted by hear say.


Tim and a good friend of mine Steve (his brother Nick is on here) went riding. Tim had just purchased the bike the day before.


Steve was riding up front when Tim passed him doing about 50mph. There was a kinda sharp left turn (also windy as fuck out). Steve told me Tim lost control of the bike. Tim and the bike slid over the curb and into a big "for rent" sign that was suported by two big wooden posts. Tim's body hit one post, and the bike hit the other. Tim was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead.


I don't know if gear would have made a difference in this situation (he was wearign a helmet), because Steve said it looked like his stomach wraped around the pole. Also Tim's helmet wasn't strapped on. Because it came rolling off as soon as he crashed.


I didn't get into details with Him because it had just happened that day, we talked a little more at a party that weekend, and as far as I know there was no car around that Tim was passing.

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It is funny how things get twisted by hear say.


Tim and a good friend of mine Steve (his brother Nick is on here) went riding. Tim had just purchased the bike the day before.


Steve was riding up front when Tim passed him doing about 50mph. There was a kinda sharp left turn (also windy as fuck out). Steve told me Tim lost control of the bike. Tim and the bike slid over the curb and into a big "for rent" sign that was suported by two big wooden posts. Tim's body hit one post, and the bike hit the other. Tim was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead.


I don't know if gear would have made a difference in this situation (he was wearign a helmet), because Steve said it looked like his stomach wraped around the pole. Also Tim's helmet wasn't strapped on. Because it came rolling off as soon as he crashed.


I didn't get into details with Him because it had just happened that day, we talked a little more at a party that weekend, and as far as I know there was no car around that Tim was passing.



I live right there. There is not sharp left, just a slight curve where two lanes merge into 1. It is also a 35 mph zone.

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