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If you don't like it here, go the fuck away.


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I keep reading and hearing about a select group of "elitists" in the area that do nothing but bash CR because not all of us make a habit of going out and street racing on a consistent basis.


Guess what? Fuck off. The majority of you keep coming back and posting, and those doing the majority of complaining either post or login and read on a regular basis. Can't be all that bad if it keeps drawing you back..


What started as a group of guys, about 30 of us, is what CR was based on. And yes, our common interest was street racing. Unfortunately, people running their mouths, media hype, and ricers have killed what was pretty open and accepted. Not anymore.


Now, we do go out and have our fun. Yes, even I still go race on the streets (except for Linn, I enjoy denying him a race), sometimes in an organized fashion, more often impromptu whether out bullshitting with CR or to/from work.


However, there's been an increasing amount of hate and discontent mounting due to people out there associated with the "rogue" group of elitist dickheads who hide behind their site and run their mouths. You claim you don't want to be "versus CR", yet you make it a point to create problems with myself and the other members.


So to you fucks who bash CR and think it's only about "bullshit" and nothing in common with actual racing anymore, think what you may. The vast majority of CR's members participate in LEGITIMATE and SANCTIONED events, whether drag racing, road racing, or auto crossing. Unfortunately for you, street racing is not one of these official events and bragging rights will not get you anywhere except maybe some cool points with your buddies. Time slips and actual proof on how a car performs is what people look for, at least those who genuinely give a shit. Do you see Lee Howie telling people his slips don't mean shit, or the track day for King of Columbus is just hype because street racing is where the real racers are at? Get over it. Something to ponder:


1) Slips/sheets of paper tell the true performance of a car. Not beating someone on the highway because they can't shift as well as you or hit that nice pothole in the road.


2) Vehicles are rated in gross horsepower/torque, what we like to refer to as "flywheel numbers". When these Z06 guys bought their cars, does the badging say "360 rwhp"? It refers to "405hp", the factory FLYWHEEL rating. So telling people my car has 675hp is the fucking truth, deal with it. This the commonly accepted fact when dealing with the general public.


3) There are too many variables and objectionables when street racing as compared to running at a prepared track event, with known environmental factors. Again, I still occasionally run people on the street, but prefer a track because I have a better chance of KNOWING what will happen and how my car will react. It likes to aim at the left wall on initial launch and that prepares me for controlling the counter easier. As the video shows that Linn likes to run his mouth about, I'm all over the place and almost whack his car at one point. I did not see that one coming. I can imagine people trying to explain why him and I, if not others, were killed because I couldn't control my car. Kinda hard when you don't see it coming and don't expect it.


CR has grown beyond the limitations of "street racing only" to become a huge group of people that not only share the common hobby of automobiles and REAL racing, but CR has become the place for people to bullshit around. Point blank. Whether talking about cars, movies, rants, bullshit, whining, whatever it may be, we're here for each other and to provide entertainment, advice, friendship, and information.


So, if you don't like it, leave. It's that simple. CR is here to stay, and we all deal with the good and the bad as it comes, because when it comes down to it, we're here for each other. And not to scratch each others nuts about how pimp we are.


If you need additional motivation about not being here, PM me. I'll oblige in making sure you don't come back and aren't getting your daily fix. Fuckers.

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Whoa whoa whoa whoa......Before you go off and start getting you panties in a bunch let me first say this. I know what board you are trying to bitch about. Its Hua's site which I will tell you what it is. 40roll. We started that forum with a member list of 30 people. Its all close friends that enjoy cars and street racing. It turns out that we are the people that everyone is always tryin to race. But we do not think we are elite from anyone of you. We do not have 1 post in our forum about cr. THe only thing close to it was my post asking them what they thought about the race between me and Tinman. The rest is normal car talk. We dont not bash CR at all. To prove it here is a screen shot from tonight that I took of our forums page.



1). Now, I will agree with you that slips and paper do show how well a car will do at the track, that doesnt mean it will do that on the street. I have raced high 10 cars on the street and beaten them from a dig. Does that mean my car will run a 10 sec pass at the track. I dunno, it shows that I was able to outdrive/perform a car that runs 10s on the street. And since when does the street and or track have any affect on how you shift. It should be the same no matter what you are driving on. So that was a lame excuse.


2). Saying what you car makes at the flywheel is gay. Yes I know from the factory they tell you flywheel horsepower, BUT, like said above, slips/papers show true performance of a car. Did your dyno sheet come out of the printer saying you made 675RWHP. No it didnt. So right there you are contridicting yourself about the paper showing true performance of a car.


3). Yes there are alot of variables on the street. There are alot on the track also. There are alot driving anywhere period. So dont try to use this as an excuse as to not want to street race. And dont say you still race on the street cause you dont. When has the last time your car seen a street race since you raced tilley. Guaranteed it hasnt.




In theory, I think you post is more of a jealous post. Of what you ask, of us not letting you onto our board. Yes I know you can access it. Big deal if we really cared that you can see the board then we would make it alot harder to hack/ use other peoples logins. AS you will see in that pic of our forum, there is a post of making that forum public. Are you getting scared that we might take more of CR people from you. I doubt it, Cr is like the public pool, everyone goes there cause it is fun and you can talk to alot of people. 40roll is like a private pool, still does the same as the public just with less people and can be alittle more discreet about stuff without a ton of idiots saying stupid shit about you or starting a 20 page thread goin back and forth on who's car is faster. We dont have threads like that cause when someone calls someone out on our board, we settle it by racing and seeing who really is faster. :)

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Brett likes to run his mouth about anything anti-CR, it's in the posts, not the list of topics. He's special, like one-axle short bus special!


No matter, we all know what car's do what and how people really are in life and not on the internet. No biggie, I find it kinda humorous :)


Back to your regular off-topic-but-no-automotive-content-CR, as according to Porsche Boy :grin2:

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Brett likes to run his mouth about anything anti-CR, it's in the posts, not the list of topics. He's special, like one-axle short bus special!


No matter, we all know what car's do what and how people really are in life and not on the internet. No biggie, I find it kinda humorous :)


Back to your regular off-topic-but-no-automotive-content-CR, as according to Porsche Boy :grin2:



Well if you got a problem with Brett, work it out with him. Dont bring us into it. As you say all the time, "Take it to PM's or AIM " .. :)

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