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the razr is here!


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sorry to post this in the common areas, but ive gotten so many questions about this phone that i figured this would be easier than responding to everyone individually. i apologize for the inconvenience, but my pm box has been overflowing and ive mistakenly deleted some questions i was supposed to have answered.


weve received our first shipment of the moto razr from verizon. just in time for christmas. let me know if youd like to come out to the store and have a look at this thing, hottest phone this season.

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DJ, I need something with POP-mail capability, and I know the Treo does that. If the Samsung does too, I would look at it.


as far as i know, it does. give me a call, i just happen to have one here at the store you can play around with if you like.


jesse, no, i havent yet. been too busy selling the things to actually buy one. havent got anything but very positive feedback on it yet, though.


mike, you know who to call. well definately get you taken care of.


threat, pm me with your info so i can look you up and give you some options.

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i just got the e815, anyway to exchange for a razr?



how long have you had your 815? <and why didnt you get it from me, jerk:)>


10x, yeah it is. i have to admit, i was a lightweight hater about this phone. mainly because i had to deal with the gsm versions of it. but i ha it out and was going through it today, and it a real slick device.

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Guest Gear down son
Are you guys talking about the v3 razr from motorola. If so I have one right now through cingular and I really don't like it. I have had three so far, but they just keep breaking and I am not even hard on them. Anyway that is just my .02$
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Are you guys talking about the v3 razr from motorola. If so I have one right now through cingular and I really don't like it. I have had three so far, but they just keep breaking and I am not even hard on them. Anyway that is just my .02$


VC3, although I am not familiar enough to know if that is the same as a V3

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here are the differences...


the verizon version is a cdma phone, that means no sim card. it also has a 1.3 megapixel camera, whereas the gsm version is vga. verizons version is also EV-DO capable, which means it connects to our network at broadband speeds, and is able to stream video using verizons VCAST services. it also has verizons new universal user interface, as opposed to motorolas proprietary one. the outside screen is slightly larger as well. there is a back to back comparo at this website...



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My wife has a Treo 650...it's a badass little web-surfing phone. One of my coworkers has a RAZR right now, and I thought "who cares?" when I first saw it. Then, he dropped it into his shirt pocket and it disappears, without showing some wierd lump. Schweet!


For anyone that wears a suit and tie to work, being able to carry a phone that slim in your shirt pocket is a really cool thing. I want one!

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One of my coworkers has a RAZR right now, and I thought "who cares?" when I first saw it. Then, he dropped it into his shirt pocket and it disappears, without showing some wierd lump. Schweet!


For anyone that wears a suit and tie to work, being able to carry a phone that slim in your shirt pocket is a really cool thing.



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