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Well if your there every weekend . Do you know the name Watkins Racing or Jeff Watkins (sr and or Jr)


And im not saying build one from scratch! I'm saying buy the chassis kit and then put the whole thing together! And tin work is not that hard. Chassis work is a lot of math, and should not be done by someone with little to no experience!


Or take a older s-10 and turn it into a legal 10.00 car , or a small tire gremlin in to a 7.50 or slower car! Plus tinkering with a lot of so called street cars!


And yes I believe you on the people will say dumb shit , but why do some get so personall with it?

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Sorry, got names confused. The one I was talking about is Amanda, shoulder length brownish hair... not Ashley. I was tired when I read this I guess... I'm sure she's nothing to sneeze at anyway...



I know who you are talking about. She "knows" me too. Ask her next time you see her, its a funny story with me and her.

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Sam- When did this turn into a chick pissing match? Read again, I could care less about ANY of the chicks you get with. This was never about that, or did you forget in your attempt to "own" me? I'm very aware of what you have to do to work on Vettes (been a mechanic and do it on the side). I'll be the 1st to tell you they are no fun to work on at all, so congrats to you on the work you did.

To both you douchbags: Both of these cars and the next one are drag only cars, not street cars. Yes, cars like this do exist believe it or not. Where you can't take them on the street, ya know? Both can be seen on a regular basis out at Trails or any big bracket event. I'll be glad to hop in the Halmark and put both of your names on the cars with whatever hand gesture you'd like in the pic. I can do the same with my dragster being built if you'd like, eventhough it's wasting my time to prove something to 2 retards.





Let me be the first to point out that you brought the girls into this convo first. Second I wasnt trying to own anyone, I was just making fun on how gay your thread was in the senior member section about playing madden and how you sucked at it. Honestly did that really need to go in the senior section. Why not the kitchen or parking lot. Third you were also the one that said that I didnt know anything about working on cars cause all you thought was I just hooked some spray on my car and someone else did everything on the car in which I told everything I did on this car and the previous. Now you are trying to take my side saying how you know how hard it is to work on vettes. Dont back pedal what you say. Finally just because I helped Mario work on his car does that mean I know how to make a 8 sec car. No, when you build a 8 sec car that is yours and you drive then say you have build 8 sec cars. I am sure you didnt touch everything on that car to get it where it is..

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Which girls?? I went there already and there wasnt much talent there.


Wow...maybe you went on an off night? I went there last week right after it opened...the girls there were way better than the one's in Reynoldsburg. I actually went to highschool with one of them. :cool:


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Wow...maybe you went on an off night? I went there last week right after it opened...the girls there were way better than the one's in Reynoldsburg. I actually went to highschool with one of them. :cool:



I am goin there tonight, I will see what the dealio is there... :cool:









P.S. Sam loves hooter girls....kekekekekekekekekekekegay..

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Let me be the first to point out that you brought the girls into this convo first. Second I wasnt trying to own anyone, I was just making fun on how gay your thread was in the senior member section about playing madden and how you sucked at it. Honestly did that really need to go in the senior section. Why not the kitchen or parking lot. Third you were also the one that said that I didnt know anything about working on cars cause all you thought was I just hooked some spray on my car and someone else did everything on the car in which I told everything I did on this car and the previous. Now you are trying to take my side saying how you know how hard it is to work on vettes. Dont back pedal what you say. Finally just because I helped Mario work on his car does that mean I know how to make a 8 sec car. No, when you build a 8 sec car that is yours and you drive then say you have build 8 sec cars. I am sure you didnt touch everything on that car to get it where it is..

I'm not backpedaling or taking your side on anything. Did I ever say that vettes were easy to work on? No. Then I'm not backpedaling on that now am I? Your lucky I even gave you credit for working on your car. To be truthful, your right I didn't touch EVERYTHING. Just 90% of it, so I can say I built a 8 and 9 second cars. And so sorry on putting something in the wrong section, I forgot you ran the site.

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I'm not backpedaling or taking your side on anything. Did I ever say that vettes were easy to work on? No. Then I'm not backpedaling on that now am I? Your lucky I even gave you credit for working on your car. To be truthful, your right I didn't touch EVERYTHING. Just 90% of it, so I can say I built a 8 and 9 second cars. And so sorry on putting something in the wrong section, I forgot you ran the site.



I run everything, now play nice or I will ban you....

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I'm not backpedaling or taking your side on anything. Did I ever say that vettes were easy to work on? No. Then I'm not backpedaling on that now am I? Your lucky I even gave you credit for working on your car. To be truthful, your right I didn't touch EVERYTHING. Just 90% of it, so I can say I built a 8 and 9 second cars. And so sorry on putting something in the wrong section, I forgot you ran the site.



And please tell me why I am lucky you gave me credit on working on my car.

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If you don't know many people here and have 800 posts something is wrong. I would assume you don't own anything anyone gives a shit about nor have you ever owned a 8 second anything.
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If you don't know many people here and have 800 posts something is wrong. I would assume you don't own anything anyone gives a shit about nor have you ever owned a 8 second anything.

I know a few people on here. Alot of my old posts were in the tech section. Someday I might own a street car people will give a shit about, until then I'll just stick to the dragster. Which is mine and I guarantee you runs mid maybe low 8's no spray.

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