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Fuck Christmas!

Trouble Maker

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Yeah, it would be great if it were just for (some) family stuff. Just all of the BS surrounding the holiday. I can't go into a store without thinking about picking up some random blunt object sitting on an end cap and bludgeoning someone in front of or behind me with it. Especially the Walmart across the street. Seriously, it's a Walmart in the Dublin city limits, where do all of the WTP come from?
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Good Dr. Your chrismas starts after the new year dosent it? All the people that are emotionaly challenged after the holidays, and crack due to the rush.


Its like thanksgiving dosent exsist anymore. Places used to have the comon coutesy to not play christmas music till after thanksgiving. Now it starts right after haloween. Someone needs to apply a proper bitch slap to the retailers that are pushing christmas so much. Pisees me off more than just a little.

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I hate the advertising & retailing. But I do enjoy the actual holiday & watching my family opening presents & getting things they really wanted they'd normally not buy for themselves. Guess I enjoy the giving part - sometimes you get a present that YOU really wanted & can enjoy too -
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Christmas makes me want to beat people for getting behind the wheel of a car when they have no skill at doing so, then driving to the mall, as if having to dodge 10 or more near accidents a day when I work (delivery), they just add to it. :nono:
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