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New pics of me, the girlfriend, the new car


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The weight loss was just cutting down on how much I ate, watching what I did eat, and not drinking pop. The first MONTH I lost 68lbs, and I now I plan on losing about 20 more to get down to 185.



<~~~~ Thinking I need to do the same thing.


Oh yea congrats on the diet and G/F I kinda met her at the Dyno day crash put togeather

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Yea i saw Ant at Geero's in like July and then didnt see him again untill the dyno day and was like omfgstfu!!!1!11!!!


Big big change.


Yea now all you have to do is quit smoking anthony and you'll be strait ;)


Heres the secret (how i quit... about 4 months now)... buy packaged tabacco (Bugler... found at UDF... no additives or flavoring) and roll your own for like a week or 2... youll get so sick of both rolling them, and of the nasty ass taste... youll just throw the shit away and never want to touch another one again.


No fucking joke thats how i quit.

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Wow, with less of Anthony in the Firebird, it will be faster.


Seriously, you have done well with the weight loss, kick it up, it is a lifestyle.

I am glad things are working out.


See you in the spring..


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Damn thats alot of weight to lose in that amount of time. I never would have guessed it was you in that second pic. Now, can I have the ex's super moderator status :D . Let me know if you want anything off that computer. Its going to have a mishap with the trash can this week.
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Here's a better picture of Jessica, taken at her graduation party last year:



As for the diet. Watch what you eat (fat intake, calories, sugar, and SODIUM), how much you eat (cut it in half, and leave a bite left at the end of the meal), and NO pop, even diet to start (tons of sodium).


Water, water, water. Ginseng is also a help, as it aids in digestion and helps boost the metabolism.

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