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What have you eatin today???


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Do many people actully look at what they eat everyday??? I mean other than dieters??? I never really did, but i always knew that i consumed a shit load of calories... after all, my frame uses quite a bit of fuel to get around.


So what have you consumed today???


Heres me..... its a light day, so i havent had much, (still fighting off pnamonia, sinus infection, and migrain headaches), but yesterday i took in almost 3800 calories ;p


Tortilla chips - 11oz

Salsa - 16oz

Gatorade - 48oz

Water - 120oz


CLA - 2000mg

Creatine - 4000mg

Excedrin - 1500mg

Benadryl - 50mg

Cefprozil - 500mg

Sudafed - 40mg

NyQuil - 700mg

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