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Anyone get their gas bill in yet?


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Mine has been on the kitchen table for a couple of days, after I saw what my parents bill went up to I've been to scared to open it. :( There's went up from $137 to $460. That's comparing last years bill to this years.
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Our house is 3600sq ft with a 2k sq ft basement... we keep our thermostat at 63 and it was still around 204 last month. The furnace is under our bedroom so its usually 4-5 degrees warmer in there and the master bath, its freezing in our kitchen and great room though.
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hahaha ive got a 1200sqft apartment, with one of the walls down stairs made souly of glass w/ french doors... no plastic wrap over any windows and ive got a 35$ gas bill....although i do keep the thermostat at 60 when im home and 58-57 when im not. hoodies, fleece and a downcomforter on the bed, some wool socks and a hat...im sweating!




then again my own personal 15-20lbs of insulation helps a bit too

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Guest mithesaint
last month was $111 for a 1300 sq ft townhome. I'm a heat nazi though....65 during the day, 60 at night. That was my highest bill ever. I've only even hit $100 once before. Could be a long winter.....
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personal electric heaters are the way to go if you need to warm up for a few...grab a new one for 20-30$ and run it when you need to.. just dont fall asleep with it on. and forgetkerosene heaters...to much trouble and columbusFD has ran on alot of fires thanks to 'em.


an alternative:

congregating a bakers dosen of fat chicks in one room, and you've got yourself a six-ton-sauna

-be weary of open flames

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Our apartment is around 935 sq ft. Last month our bill was $36, this month it is $98. Of course living in Johnstown, they only come look at the meters 4 times a year, so they are almost always estimated. They won't come back out to take an actual reading till March of next year. I will have moved before they come out again.
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1562 square feet.$139.00 budget.I was afraid not to go on the budget as the lady told me when I was setting it up that the bills were going to be roughly 70% higher.Good thing my paycheck is going up 70% also,oh wait a minute it's not,I better go turn the t-stat down.
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Got mine a week or so ago...$26.xx WOOT WOOT!! 1200+ sq ft apartment, I keep it at 70 during the times were home/all night, and drop it down to like 63 when we're gone during the day. It hardly drops at all during the 10hours we're out at work/school. It sure helps that we are on the top floor with only one outside wall.
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