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Tax return and Ohio's use tax...


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Is it just me or is the "use tax" line new this year on the tax return? Basically you have to report how much out of state merchandise you bought online or through the mail and did not pay sales tax on, and then you owe that much in sales tax to the state. I don't recall that from last year and it sounds like a bunch of bull shit to me. I would imagine I bought a couple thousand dollars worth of stuff out of state so now I owe 6.75% on that. This especially burns me in the wake of the Taft and Workers' comp. scandals.
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Just don't buy a building or vehicle out of state and have it shipped here. My wife's uncle got audited on that since there was a 17000 item that he didn't pay any sales tax on. My thought is that if I claim like $6-10 in use tax that there is no way that I will get audited.
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I have noticed that more out of state online retailers have been charging sales tax since this was brought to my attention. I still think this tax is bull shit. I have done some research and some believe that this tax is in violation of the Interstate Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution. Ohio's main argument for this tax now is that it is unfair to Ohio retailers because people can buy things out of state to get around sales tax. I don't know about you all, but I buy all my stuff online because I either don't want to wait in long lines (like during Christmas season) or because I can't find goods in state (like the shocks I just bought). If I can find something in state and cheaper I would buy it. The sales tax is pretty much offset by the shipping.
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