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For you guys that know macs...


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I haven't been on here in awhile but I have a question that I knew someone here could answer.


My friend was telling me of a program where you can scan a document in and it's something like 98% accurate in knowing where 'fill in the blanks' are needed. Is this really a program?


The reason I'm asking is my dad's business requires a lot of filling out repetitive paper work for returns of service to the court. It's very time consuming mindless work, but he still has to do it and it takes several hours a night of writing. I've recently been looking into getting a new laptop and if I can get such a program that will help our family business and cut back on his hours of writing, would be a extremely helpful. Considering we are swamped as it is and we just picked up another firm.


If you guys know of anything please let me know.... Thanks

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Thank you!


Now a few questions since you seem to know the software. The forms have some areas that are drop down material such as date, month, year and time. It also has 2 areas that would require typing. Is this software capable of both having drop downs and type in the blanks? I know the first one is only mac but is the 2nd one PC compatable?~nevermind this question. Alittle further reading would have given me the answer.

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I would like to also add that I don't need a program just to store the documents we write up, but to cut out the amount of writing. It takes on average about 2-4 minutes to write out everything on this returns. If I can have that cut to 1 minute, that would save a tramendous amount of time since we do about 30 returns a night.


Does anyone also have a "free" tryable version? I dont wanna pay $150 and the program doesn't do what we need.

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