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On my day off today I noticed something


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Watching morning TV, there are some fucking sad people in this world. First of all, Springer is just straight white trash fuckers that I dont even know how they exist in this world. Then you go to Maury and there are women on there testing 7 different guys cause she doesnt know who the father is, and after 7 guys they still dont know. Then after that there is this show I am watching now about 4 women sobbing over the most pathetic things that have happened in their lives. I swear we need a world war to wipe out alot of the stupid people population. These people do nothing for the world but take up space and my precious air that I need to survive. Or when you reach age 25, you need to go to report to the government and have to prove what you have done to help society and if it isnt anything then you get shot on site. :cool:
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I gave up on TV a long time ago. Its just to depresing to see the stupidity that exsists in our scociety. At one point in time, Springer was entertaining. Now we are to the point of it being the benchmark for the lower elements of the gene pool.

I like the 25 year old board. Rather than shooting them though, labor camps would be better. Try and get a return on the 25 years of rescources they consumed. Pharmacuticals testing at the camps would be a nice touch. To help keep the usefull citizens healthy longer. Kind of a bonus.

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I read something awesome today.


"When Henry Ford wanted to get an unbreakable glass for his new models, he wouldn't see any of the experts. They knew too many reasons why It couldn't be done. 'Bring me eager young fellows who do not know the reasons why unbreakable glass can not be made. Give this problem to ambitious young fellows who think nothing is impossible.' He got unbreakable glass. (Danforth, I Dare You, 23)"

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Sam was this Fri. when you watched Springer? I watched Fri and a girl took off her prosthetic arm and hit her man in the back of his head with it, then put it back on real fast like she didn't do it. Then later took it off again and threw it at him. I was sure that was the funniest Springer show I have ever seen. My wife and I both were in tears when that happened and my abs hurt for the rest of the day.
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