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funny bumper stickers


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  Blazen said:
Hoffa 98





No, I'm not laughing at the bumper sticker. I laughing at you. You're stupid.


James P. Hoffa, the son of James R. Hoffa (Jimmy Hoffa), is the president of Teamsters. He won the election in 1998. I assume you could've only thought this was funny because you assumed it was Jimmy Hoffa which that bumper sticker refered to. In fact, you were wrong, and there's nothing funny about that sticker at all.

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To the person who posted the Bush Sticker: There are limits to freedom, otherwise I could legally have you killed for driving a mercedes because it pisses me off. Incidentally, I am also prohibited from purchasing a space in a strip mall and using it to sell acid and guns to chidlren.
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  Ich Bin der Teufel said:


No, I'm not laughing at the bumper sticker. I laughing at you. You're stupid.


James P. Hoffa, the son of James R. Hoffa (Jimmy Hoffa), is the president of Teamsters. He won the election in 1998. I assume you could've only thought this was funny because you assumed it was Jimmy Hoffa which that bumper sticker refered to. In fact, you were wrong, and there's nothing funny about that sticker at all.




NO ben I knew it was his son.Jimmy died a long time ago. I ASSUME that you surly knew this....Anyways the assumption was on your part. And it was funny because of other reasons. Like who his dad was. It's not funny to you because you made that choice.and /or lack of understanding of why I made that post. I should have expected a stuped responce form a kid. Dude you were only like 16 when the sticker came out. And seeing that your 24 not much has changed. You don't even know me. It's quite apperent that you have trubble reading into things,like my post. If you had a question,than ask about it insted of making an assumson. here is the link for assume




Read it,learn it,live it.

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  Blazen said:
NO ben I knew it was his son.Jimmy died a long time ago. I ASSUME that you surly knew this....Anyways the assumption was on your part. And it was funny because of other reasons. Like who his dad was. It's not funny to you because you made that choice.and /or lack of understanding of why I made that post. I should have expected a stuped responce form a kid. Dude you were only like 16 when the sticker came out. And seeing that your 24 not much has changed. You don't even know me. It's quite apperent that you have trubble reading into things,like my post. If you had a question,than ask about it insted of making an assumson. here is the link for assume




Read it,learn it,live it.



If you're going to make fun of my age and reading abilities, please at least use spell check. And please, please, use a space after periods. As for you calling me stupid for thinking you're stupid, damn. That's some shit. I'm heartbroken now. But seriously, what's so funny about Hoffa's son running and winning the Teamster's election? Nobody I know (including those who belong to Teamster's) find that bumper sticker funny. And just to be sure, I ask a few older folks for their opinion. Nope, still not funny. So please, explain the humor. You seem to be the only one finding it even remotely funny. As of now, I'm sticking with my theory which states you're a moron. You're six years older than I, however you have the spelling, grammer, and sentence structure of a twelve year old. Come on, please, keep making fun of my age.


PS: I worked for Teamsters when I was 16, which was in 98.

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