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Beautiful ride this morning


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Just thought I would post up to say I had a great ride to work this morning. The weather was great....high 50's (felt refreshing and relaxing), sunny, not much traffic to deal with. It was nice seeing a few other bikers and doing the friendly biker wave. Riding to work always puts me in a good mood but its hard to pull into the parking lot and not keep riding for a while longer.

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  xtremef4i said:
Just thought I would post up to say I had a great ride to work this morning. The weather was great....high 50's (felt refreshing and relaxing), sunny, not much traffic to deal with. It was nice seeing a few other bikers and doing the friendly biker wave. Riding to work always puts me in a good mood but its hard to pull into the parking lot and not keep riding for a while longer.

+1 :) I didnt want to stop either, hmmmmm its all the sudden feeling like a skip work cause the boss is on vacation day.

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  redbarron77 said:
when you feel that good, take a sick day, 'cuz you'd have to be sick to get off the bike and go to work.


That's when you ride right past work and stop at some point to call into work and do the ole

" I'm *cough* not going to be able *cough* to make it in today, *cough* *cough* not feeling well."

Just like when you were 12yrs old and trying to make your parents call you in sick at school

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I just went back out for a ride at lunch. The weather is so great. its not hot at all and is probably one of the nicest days there has beed for a while IMO. Me and another guy from work are going to ride after we get of at 4:30 I hope. He normally doesnt leave till 5 but I'm out of here at 4:30...

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