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Hell of a rain


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Anyone else watch their yard/driveway go under water tonight? Or have water run in their garage for the first time?


I normally don't get too worried about rain, storms, etc, but I was starting to wonder just how much rain was going to come down tonight.


Went from working on the truck in a t-shirt, to freezing my ass off in about 2 hours tonight. Damn Ohio. :)

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This is what really pisses me off about Ohio weather.


It seems like any time you have warmer winter in Ohio, it HAS to rain. That way even though it is warm out, you really can't enjoy it. Then it always ends with more rain, and the temp dropping insanely fast. Ohio's weather just sucks!

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I had to jerry rig an extra float on my sump pump last night. The water would just go right over the existing tiny float that was in there and go to the top. I got a toilet ball ball deal and got some twine and attached it to the arm of the existing float :). Worked great.
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RAIN? unless it dried up SUPER fast, i didnt get anything in gahanna. i dunno. i went to bed at 3, it was windy all night, but when i woke up today to go to work, ground was all dry, grass was not wet one bit when i walked thru it. hmm
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RAIN? unless it dried up SUPER fast, i didnt get anything in gahanna. i dunno. i went to bed at 3, it was windy all night, but when i woke up today to go to work, ground was all dry, grass was not wet one bit when i walked thru it. hmm

I live 5 min from you and could definately tell it rained like crazy...and i dont wake up till 2pm

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Guest powers
i think the rain killed my new sump pump because it's making weird noises...


my back yard was flooded last night, but this morning it looked like it all drained.

I was in home depot yesterday buying paint there was a line of people with one item in their hands, sump pumps. I asked the girl at the paint counter she said it has been like that all day and that they had a truck drop them off tuesday after the hard rain monday night.

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great, so odds are, they won't be able to replace it until they get a new shipment in... no way am I paying another 100 dollars for a sump pump that lasted 2 months... they can replace it for free or I'm going to take a big poo on their counter
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Guest powers
great, so odds are, they won't be able to replace it until they get a new shipment in... no way am I paying another 100 dollars for a sump pump that lasted 2 months... they can replace it for free or I'm going to take a big poo on their counter

if your shittin on the counter I am taggin along to video document. :)

Be sure to eat white castles the day before to teach them a lesson.

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i always love heavy rain on campus, high st floods covering all sidewalks and 12th becomes a swift moving river. ive seen the water on 12th st as high as front bummpers on cars and the water on high flooding the stores.



and yet you still raced ... ??/ Sprayed boat?

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