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Any vets here? anesesia question...

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Need to sedate a cat. Cat isn't the word, he's a midget cheetah, and he manages to fuckus'all up even when using elbow high welding gloves.

He's 15lb, slender, and healthy. No known allergies. He was put once down to have his nuts clipped. We just need about 4 seconds to put a harness on him, and would like to avoid any side effects.

On the table now, our options are:


-getting him drunk.


Anything better?



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Is that a Civit (sp?) cat? Regardless of species, I would give it shots of everclear till it passed out, then approach it with welding gloves with gauntlets up to the elbows, and carry the nice kittah to the vet. Or you could do like pro bull riding and do a calf roping show for CR. Thats up to you.
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The first time I saw him,I thought he was an Ocelot. He's a "Savannah", his grand dad was a straight up Serval. We tried beer, since Elena said he's gotten drunk on Molsen before. Unfortunately, the Smithwicks we had was too good for him. He didn't have much, just enough to be hilarious. I want to harness him up so we can take him outside, he'll go nuts will all the stuff out there.
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Why do you ned to put a harness on him?


Does he freak it if you touch him?


If he is a lap cat at all, i would recommend getting him to relax in your lap, or ona bed by petting him, and then as gently and as relaxes a possible, slip it over his head.. then if he freaks out let him run away with it on him like htat.. eventualy he will calm down, and you could prolly pick him up and manuver him with out too much problem to clasp it.


Otherwise ask your vet for some kind of sedetive for you.. tell them you neeed to take the cat for a car ride and he gets sick. The will prolly give you some acepromezene, or the like (like 2-3 pills, couple bucks) and then you have to con him into taking it. (crush it and put it into can of wet cat food WELL mixed)

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4G's!? I hope it has the ability to get beer out of the fridge for you.

Appriciation :p He was expensive, but no where near that expensive 2 years ago. Wasn't my money that got spent. :)

Why would you want a pet that fucks you up any time you have to do something simple with it, like put a harness on?

Because he's not a pet, he's part of the family, and in my family, we fucked eachother up! :p

I honnestly dont mind his character. He keeps to himself, and thats fine. When he does "do stuff". he does it on a different level then a house cat. He's deffinately got Wild in him, which I respect. You dont play with him, you spar. :cool:


A collar wont work, he'll get out. We need a fairlt stout harness to keep him in check. We want the harness so we can take him outside. He's too much cat to stay inside all the time, it's cruel. :) He got out at her folks house once, he ended up onthe roof...yes, the roof, of a 2 story house.

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Oh no, I've learned not to expose my balls to the cat. :(


i dont even want to know what lesson taught you that.:eek:


my ex's dad has a serval, and that thing scraps with their st bernard all the time. its straight up comedy to see it happen. if your cat is half as quick as that one, i dont envy you the task of trying to do anything it doesnt like.

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