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Email I got today... Funnier than a nun shitting on a priest


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So I got this email from my coworker today. His name is Ed. Everyday we play UT2004 during our lunch break. Ed is a Marine. He was a sniper. Seriously. So, I make it a point to destroy him in the game. His name in the game is ICUNVME and my name is Satan (and my character is Hitler). Here's the email:


It saddens me to say, but at 11:15 this morning EDT, Satan was killed. Yes, the overlord of the Fiery Pits of Hell was shot in the head, repeatedly, at point-blank range, execution-style. Suspected of said murder is a little known robot, ICUNVME model II. Please send flowers or brimstone to the gates of hell in remembrance.

Applications for the new torturer of souls are now being taken.


I laughed so hard I about fell out of my chair. It was great. So here in about 30 minutes, I'm slaughtering him. Haha.

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