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does anybody know of a good attorney for a D.U.I.?

Guest MTI Stroker

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Guest MTI Stroker

a buddy of mine got one, he is loosing his cdl and everything! if he does not get a good attorney that can beat this he will loose everything! He was not even driving when the police got there. i guess he was sitting inthe truck parked behind the place he drives for and they came up to him and said they had a off duty state trooper call 911 and complaine about the driving and followed him to where he worked.then the columbus police show up and took him down town and charged him with dui and refusal. anyway if you know of any good ones let me know so i can pass it on. I do not want to see a friend loose his lively hood!


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Wow! I've DUI'd more than I thought, which I thought was not at all! Come out of the bar, decide not to drive, wait for a buddy in the lot - turn on the car so I don't freeze my nuts off - thats freakin DUI!?!? Our laws and legal system make sooooo muck sense!! (Grammar/typo intentional)
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Dude he is not fucked at all. If this is his first offense then if he finds the right attorney, they can get him out of the DUI part. It is obviously gonna cost him some dough but it can be done. I know a friend of mine has had 3 DUI and he still has a licence so try and find a good attorney, make sure he goes and talks to the attorney before any court stuff..
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Whatever happened to taking responsibility for ones actions. Drunk driving is against the law, your friend knew the concequences but did it anyway. Getting a lawyer to get out of it is a bitch move, your friend should man up. As well as anyone else who ever tried to get out of one.
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Dude he is not fucked at all. If this is his first offense then if he finds the right attorney, they can get him out of the DUI part. It is obviously gonna cost him some dough but it can be done. I know a friend of mine has had 3 DUI and he still has a licence so try and find a good attorney, make sure he goes and talks to the attorney before any court stuff..


Still dosen't help him.....he refused to test! If he was drinking or not, a refusal is an automatic suspension. At least in the court down here. It could be different in Franklin county. But I am in court everyday and I see it on a daily basis. People think if they don't test they won't get into trouble. Then they arrive in court to find their liscence is suspended anyway. It makes for some good entertainment.

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Samuel H Shamansky.



Word. He lives right across the street from my parents, dude is the shit in court! He's gotten MANY of my friends stuff removed/reduced, including DUI's, street racing, eluding, 160+ in 65, etc, this dude CAN do it, it just depends on if your willing to pay for his quality.

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Still dosen't help him.....he refused to test! If he was drinking or not, a refusal is an automatic suspension. At least in the court down here. It could be different in Franklin county. But I am in court everyday and I see it on a daily basis. People think if they don't test they won't get into trouble. Then they arrive in court to find their liscence is suspended anyway. It makes for some good entertainment.



It's a state law, you sign a contract when you get your license that if you refuse a breathalizer your license is automatically taken away for 1 year. There are no if ands or buts about it

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Whatever happened to taking responsibility for ones actions. Drunk driving is against the law, your friend knew the concequences but did it anyway. Getting a lawyer to get out of it is a bitch move, your friend should man up. As well as anyone else who ever tried to get out of one.


Getting a DUI is a bitch move. Not getting good legal defense for yourself in court is stupid. The lawyer does NOT absolve responsibility for your actions; he/she will review what REALLY happened and offers what legal rights you are entitled to.


Let someone else be a pariah. I'm recommending a solution that works...the buster can feel free to do whatever he wants with it.

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Guest MTI Stroker

My buddy met with samuel shamansky today, he said he was a very cool guy and seems like he is a good attorney and does know his shit about dui's. my buddy said he is really into cars, i guess he has alot of them!

I will let you guys know how he does for him!

But by the way it sounds he will probly do pretty damn good!

Thanks for all the help everybody,!!!

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Getting a DUI is a bitch move. Not getting good legal defense for yourself in court is stupid. The lawyer does NOT absolve responsibility for your actions; he/she will review what REALLY happened and offers what legal rights you are entitled to.


Let someone else be a pariah. I'm recommending a solution that works...the buster can feel free to do whatever he wants with it.


In that context I agree, it is stupid not to have legal help, especially if the police went about it wrong, BUT it sounds like he knew he did something wrong otherwise why refuse? I am just saying he knew the concequences he knew it was something wrong yet he did it anyway. Use the legal help to get the punishment he deserves, not to avoid punishment all together, that is what I am saying.

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My buddy met with samuel shamansky today, he said he was a very cool guy and seems like he is a good attorney and does know his shit about dui's. my buddy said he is really into cars, i guess he has alot of them!

I will let you guys know how he does for him!

But by the way it sounds he will probly do pretty damn good!

Thanks for all the help everybody,!!!



Ohhhh yea, he has a very nice collection of cars including ferrari's, porshe's, audi's, bmw's, an original shelby mustang, etc, a nice fleet. I stare in envy everytime I drive by, lol.


Good luck to your friend, he's not cheap but he does get the job done.

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