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Whats up with the week long rain>?


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this weather is just crappy as can be, and its gonna last another week or so continually with no letting up ... im not sure why so i did a search and what i found was very interesting.


To the north east, around Maine, there is a serious HIGH PRESSURE region ... nobody knows why its there, we just know its there ... and its forcing all the normal convection winds to circle and accumulate around the north eastern United States and since the motion is circular, its going to stay here for a long time ... expect rainy days constantly for the next week or longer.


There are some signs of the storms moving to the atlantic as this high pressure region slowly dipassitates ... but this whole week is shot for outdoor activities ...







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  MegamanEXE said:
Last week, Jim Ghannal (SP?) said the computer models showed its going to rain for 16 days straight.


.... and the NHRA moved the race to this weekend to get away from tha rain?? Anyone know a dry weather dance?

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  Achilles said:
Rain ends by this weekend!! Warm and sunny on saturday so they say....



Yeah, but its supposed to rain again on Sunday. Ohio sucks. The midwest sucks. This all sucks. It is my fault I suppose... I bought a new bike. Got to ride it three days, and the rain started. Doh.


PS: Hell hasn't frozen yet, so the Earth is still safe... for now.

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